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Planning Proposal for 84D Roberts Avenue, Mortdale


84D Roberts Avenue, Mortdale.


Mr M Lans.


Planning Proposal Request

Amend the Georges River LEP 2021 to introduce “medical centre” as an additional permitted use under Clause 5 (2) of Schedule 1 Additional permitted uses on the land at 84D Roberts Avenue, Mortdale (the Site).

The primary objective of the Planning Proposal is to enable a medical centre to operate at Mortdale Plaza, complementing the existing retail and service offerings. 

The proposed amendment focuses solely on land use and involves no changes to the built form provisions that could impact the surrounding area.


The Planning Proposal will be considered by the Georges River Local Planning Panel (LPP) on 1 August 2024

The Planning Proposal will then be presented at a future Environment and Planning Committee meeting for consideration, including the LPP recommendations. The minutes of the Environment and Planning Committee meeting will subsequently be considered at a future Council meeting. If the Planning Proposal is endorsed by Council, it will be forwarded to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) for a Gateway Determination under Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (EP&A) 1979.

Planning Proposal




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