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We Are Georges River

We are Georges River is dedicated to capturing the diverse stories of our community. Through the collection of photos and memories, we aim to provide a glimpse into the celebrations, family life, backyards, businesses, and everyday events that make us who we are today.

You can explore the collection of stories, reminiscences, and photos through our online resource, Connected to Culture. Don’t forget to check in regularly as we’re always adding new content for you to discover.

Share your story

You can help us tell the diverse story of our community by submitting a photo and short summary that shows your connection to the Georges River area. We are interested in old black and white photos from your family collection as well as images from the recent past and today as they all help us learn about our shared heritage. We would love to learn about:

  • Your family history.

  • Raising a family or growing up in the area.

  • Running a small business.

  • Arriving here from overseas.

  • Community groups and societies.

  • Changes in your neighbourhood or local towns.

  • Local urban myths and legends.

  • Your experience during the COVID pandemic.

If you would like to share your photo and your own unique story with our community, you can contribute to the We Are Georges River collection at any time - just get in touch with our library local studies team.

Please email us to get involved:

Georges River Libraries Community History 

Are you interested in the history of Georges River? The Library’s Local Studies collection has a treasure trove of resources for you to explore, from manuscripts, maps and newspapers to photographs and online resources.

Find out more about the Collection.

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