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Our Plans

Strategies that inform our work 

  • Economic Development Strategy: Georges River Council developed its Economic Development Strategy by consulting the business community. The Economic Development Strategy aims to boost growth. It takes a place-based approach to increase the Georges River LGA's edge in the modern economy.

  • Community Strategic Plan: The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is Georges River Council's most important, legislated plan. It sits above all of the Council's other plans. It identifies the community's main priorities for the future of Georges River LGA and encompasses a period of at least 10 years from when the CSP is endorsed.

  • Community Engagement Strategy: The Georges River Council's Community Engagement Strategy shows how we engage with the community. It sets principles for community engagement. It is purposeful, timely, genuine, inclusive, and transparent.

  • Create Georges River Cultural Strategy: The Create Georges River Cultural Strategy commits Georges River Council to support arts and culture over the next ten years.

  • Georges River 2050 Leading for Change: The Georges River 2050 vision is a roadmap for a vibrant future. It focuses on accessibility, green spaces, diversity, innovation, and a strong connection to nature.

  • Hurstville 'Heart of the City' Place Strategy: The Hurstville Place Strategy is an ambitious plan. Its goal is to enhance the Hurstville CBD and unlock its full potential. It gives residents, workers, investors, and Council a set of actions. They support the existing character but aim for an exciting, innovative vision.

You can view these strategies by visiting our Council Plans and Strategies webpage.

Visions that support our work 

  • Night Manifesto: The Night Manifesto 2024 outlines our community's vision for a vibrant night time economy. The night is not just a time, but a vital part of our culture, crucial for supporting local businesses and communities. The Night Manifesto draws on global movements and the NSW Government's Vibrancy Reforms. It consolidates insights from various surveys and studies. It reflects the hopes of diverse stakeholders who want to improve the future of the night.

  • Night Time Economy Study: The Georges River Night Time Economy Study 2021 sets the scene of where we were at the beginning of 2020. It aims for a bright future.

  • Hurstville Civic Precinct Master Plan: In 2015, Georges River Council developed the Hurstville Civic Precinct Master Plan. It is a blueprint for an exciting transformation. It seeks a space that has cultural value. It should be a vibrant place for residents, visitors, and workers. A planning proposal has been submitted to turn the Master Plan into reality. This proposal seeks changes to the zoning, building heights, floor space ratios, and heritage listings for the site under the Georges River Local Environmental Plan 2021. 

  • River Rail - Kogarah to Parramatta River Link: Georges River Council seeks future-focused solutions for Sydney's growth. The River Rail connection between Kogarah and Parramatta is a critical city-building project. This vital initiative will transform Sydney's future. It is key to the NSW Government's 30-minute city vision. We are partnering with Canterbury-Bankstown and Parramatta Councils to deliver this project. 

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