Our Duty Planner Service is great place to start if customers have a general planning or building enquiry. This is a no appointment, free of charge service available via the telephone or face to face enquiry at the Georges River Service Centre located at the corner of MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville.
This service is designed to provide our customers with preliminary advice on planning-related enquiries related to properties and/or development proposals.
The Duty Planner will direct customers find the relevant zoning, explain the basic planning controls for different development types and identify what planning instruments and policies apply to specific developments. Using this service, customers can also find out about the steps involved in the assessment and decision making process available at Georges River Council.
Accessing the Duty Planner Service
Customers can contact the Duty Planner via telephone or through face to face enquiry.
Phone calls - During business hours, customers can call our service centre on (02) 9330 6400. If the Duty Planner is assisting another customer at the time of a call, the Duty Planner will return phone calls either that afternoon or the following business day.
Counter Enquiries – A “face-to-face” service is available from the Georges River Service Centre as follows:
- Georges River Service Centre located at the corner MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville from 8.30 am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).
What information do I need to use this service?
Customers only need to have a question they want answered.
The Duty Planner Service can be used for a range of enquiries – everything from a basic enquiry like ‘Where can I find the rules about Granny Flats’ ' to a specific question like ‘Are granny flats allowed at this address?'
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How is the service provided?
The Duty Planner will provide advice verbally to customers. No written advice is provided through this service.
Why won’t the Duty Planner tell me the zoning over the phone?
For legal reasons, the Duty Planner cannot provide zoning information over the phone. The Duty Planner can assist customers locate the zoning of the property by directing customers to the NSW Planning Portal.
Will the Duty Planner confirm whether my proposal is Complying Development?
No. If you are after this advice, the Pre-Complying Development Consultation Service is the best option for you.
This is a specialised service where customers can meet with one of Council’s Accredited Practising Building Surveyors who have expertise and experience in this specialised area of the legislation.
Will the Duty Planner review plans and documents, provide merit advice or confirm whether a proposal is exempt development?
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet - Duty Planner Service
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