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Public Art

Public Art Opportunities​

Pride Mural - Clive James Library & Service Centre, Kogarah
Georges River Council is seeking expressions of interest from LGBTQIA+ artists/teams of artists to create a mural design to be painted at Clive James Library and Service Centre, Kogarah. The aim of this mural is to represent and celebrate the diverse LGBTQIA+ community and demonstrate that the library is a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone. The design should be inspired by themes of pride, joy and unity, and should represent and reflect the diversity within the community.  

To find out more please read the Expression of Interest document and apply via SmartyGrants.

Applications close midnight, Sunday 20 April 2025.

Public Art Guidelines for Developers

The Public Art Guidelines for Developers shows developers how to commission an artist, meet industry best practice and get the best value for money from a developer contribution.

Read these Guidelines with the Georges River Council Public Art Policy. It outlines the Council's vision for a vibrant, original, and creative built environment that reflects the local character.

If you have any questions, please email

Connect with us

Join our mailing list to hear about our upcoming public art opportunities. 

Join the Arts, Heritage and Culture Directory. It will showcase your work to the community and connect you with other artists.

Public Art Map

On Intramaps, select 'Public Art' to see our public art installations.

Are you out and about in the LGA? View our Connected to Culture app, and join our Public Art walking tour! 

Current Public Art Installations

Click on the image to learn more about the artwork.

White stone statue of Miles Franklin          Statue in Ma’anshan Friendship Park, South Hurstville   A sculpture of long windy metal reeds.        

A spherical silver sculpture sits in a park in front of a playground.    A metal sculpture next a community garden   Kogarah Town Square sculpture by Takis Kozokos    A statue of Bruce Lee            

Ormonde Parade mural by Alex Grilanc & Krimsone    Karri-McPherson-tile.jpg   Mural at Post Office Lane, Kogarah by Maddison Gibbs    Beastman-tile.jpg             

A mural of flowers and shapes painted on a footpath near table and chairs    Mural of Hurstville Library columns by Abbey Rich    Mural of native flora and fauna by MAN.De     Keith Stanley Table tennis table          

A painted blue and pink creature with yellow eyes   Bat cave painted in orange with indigenous motives in white, blue, red and yellow by Danielle Mate   An painted head of a red and blue dragon with yellow eyes,     A close up of a painted Aboriginal painting featuring white and black dots in a circular formation.          
A close up of a painted Ibis, featuring its eye and top of its head. There is a bright yellow and green background and pink details.   A close up of a painted orange fish    Close up of a Kookaburra on a Public Art mural with orange and blue tones     blue and orange native Australian plants with blue bees on a street art mural         

People standing in front of a red and gold mural in Hurstville Interchange   Interwoven purple light installation on celling with people walking beneath it   A small square mural painted on a footpath of a dolphin advertising the Georges River Keeper program 'Zero litter in Georges River'    A painted mural of a flower with orange tones with a blue blackground.        

A colourful traffic signal box in a vinyl that looks like green and pink crocheted designs.      A painted mural featuring a koi fish, clouds and flowers.             

   A picture of a baby holding a lantern while riding a red dragon.   A dragon sculpture made of skateboards and bicycle parts.    Amanda Newman mural a painting of a waratah flower


Past Public Art installations

Click on the image to learn more about the artwork.

Hurstville Central Shopping Centre mural by Alex Grilanc & Krimsone     Mural at Hurstville Central Shopping Centre – Car park roof by Dawei Xu      Hurstville Central Shopping Centre mural by Chanel Tang and Ambrose Rehorek    Hurstville Interchange Open Air Gallery mural by Christina Huynh 

Mural Hurstville Plaza by Elizabeth West     Hurstville Plaza Mural by Mulga     Hurstville Plaza Mural by Mehrdad MehrAeen   Hurstville Plaza Mural by Mike Eleven  

Hurstville Interchange Open Air Gallery work by Aaron McGarry    Hurstville Interchange Open Air Gallery by James Price     Mural at Hurstville Interchange Open Air Gallery by Dylan Goh   Neon light sculptures by Carla O’Brien
    A girl with her back to the camera colouring in a black and white mural.    A glow in the dark painting of a green and blue lizard with its tongue out.     A mural of a mountain that is shining under UV light.   

A photograph of three murals of children dancing with a large rat.


Public Art Advisory Panel

Georges River Council has established a Public Art Advisory Panel (PAAP). The PAAP will assist Council on public art projects over $50,000. The Council manages and delivers various public art projects. They follow the Public Art Policy and the Create Georges River Cultural Strategy.

The PAAP has 12 voting members. It includes six external experts in these areas.

  • Professional art expertise.
  • Knowledge of contemporary public art applications and issues.
  • Experience in art, art curatorship, arts policy, and place-based landscape, architecture, or design.
  • Knowledge of Georges River local government area culture and heritage.
  • First Nations and diverse cultural knowledge and expertise.

The PAAP also includes six Council officers. Experts chose them for their expertise in:

  • Strategic placemaking.
  • City strategy.
  • Technical services.
  • Operational services.
  • Cultural services.
  • Public art.

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