To claim for loss or damage arising from an incident with a Council asset or on Council land, complete the form below. Also, provide all relevant documents requested on the form.
We will consider all claims on a Without Prejudice basis.
Notice to Potential Claimant
Before Council is obliged to pay compensation for any injury, loss or damaged suffered, you must prove that the injury, loss or damage was caused through negligence on the part of the Council.
Evidence and supporting documentation will be required to evaluate your claim. You may also be required to provide evidence from a qualified service provider. For example: plumber, engineer, medical specialist.
Supporting documents include:
Out of pocket medical expenses.
Map of the incidents location, showing the area and nearby land in relation to the alleged hazard.
When claiming for damage caused by conditions of Council property, such as a pothole, Council will investigate further.
Submitting a Claim
To seek compensation, please submit the Claim Form. This process enables us to conduct a thorough review and address your claim.
Please provide all relevant documentation requested on the form. You completing and us accepting the form is not an admission of our liability and does not waive our rights. A valid email address is required to finalis the submission. Please contact Council's Customer Service on 9330 6400 for further assistance if you do not have an email address.
Submit an Injury / Damage Compensation Claim Form
Should your claim involve damage sustained due to a collision with a Council truck or vehicle, please note this is not the correct form. It is a motor vehicle matter managed through a separate Council department.
You will need to contact Customer Service separately either by phone (02) 9330 6400 or via email to report the damage.
Managing Your Claim
Claims are received and referred to our external claims handling agents to act on our behalf.
Once we receive your compensation claim and the investigation is completed, a decision will be made to accept or decline your claim based on relevant legal principles.
If your claim is declined, you are entitled to request a review.
The process of review and determination can take some time.
Sometimes there are delays in obtaining information beyond our control, such as information required from third parties, contractors, or witnesses. Our external claim agents endeavour to respond to claims as quickly as possible, however, claims resulting from negligence are often complicated and time consuming, and we ask for your patience during this process.
Information to Assist if Considering Making a Claim
Thank you for your feedback.