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A universally accepted definition of homelessness does not exist in Australian Legislation, and definitions of homelessness continue to be widely debated.  The most common Homelessness definition identifies three types of homelessness: primary, secondary and tertiary.

  • Primary homelessness is experienced by people without conventional accommodation (e.g. sleeping rough or in improvised dwellings)

  • Secondary homelessness is experienced by people who frequently move from one temporary shelter to another (e.g. emergency accommodation, youth refuges, and “couch surfing")

  • Tertiary homelessness is experienced by people staying in accommodation that falls below minimum community standards (e.g. boarding housing and caravan parks).

Homelessness is a significant and growing issue in the Georges River community. In the 2016 census, 9% of homeless in South East Sydney Local Health District were residing in the Georges River area.

The main drivers of homelessness in the area include a shortage of stable and affordable housing, family violence, long-term unemployment, family breakdown, mental illness and drug and alcohol abuse.

Homelessness help

Anyone who is concerned about the welfare of a homeless person should contact Wesley Mission on Ph: 1300 259 789.

For more information about homelessness services in Georges River area, please visit St George and Sutherland Homeless Help.

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