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Online DA Lodgement

As of 15 June 2020, applications must be lodged with us via the NSW Planning Portal, provided by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

The NSW Planning Portal allows for a more convenient process for the lodgement of your application, allowing you to lodge online - anywhere, anytime.

You can lodge the following applications through the NSW Planning Portal

  • Development Applications.
  • Applications to Modify Consents (s4.55 applications).
  • Review of Determination (s8.2 applications).

If you require technical assistance using the Planning Portal, and you were unable to find the answer within the Help and Support Section, please contact Service NSW directly for assistance by phone on 1300 305 695 or by email

Please ensure written owners consent is lodged with every application. Please see Owners Consent Form for Development Applications.

How to Lodge a DA

From 1 July 2020, Development Applications can only be accepted via the NSW Planning Portal, as mandated by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. Additional assistance will be available at our Customer Service Centre for customers wishing to lodge applications through the NSW Planning portal. Please contact our Duty Planner on (02) 9330 6400. 

We will provide general information in using the Planning Portal. For technical assistance, please contact Service NSW directly by phone on 1300 305 695 or by email

The Development Lodgement process

Step 1

To lodge with the NSW Planning Portal, you will need to first register an account with the portal. After registering, you will be able to lodge the application and then follow the prompts to upload the required information and documentation.

For more information on online lodgement with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, please visit the NSW Planning Portal website.

Step 2

Customer collates the documentation and information required for their application (DA, Section 4.55 or Section 8.2). Hard copies of plans or any other documents are not required.

Note: Council has developed matrix checklists that need to be completed and lodged with your application on the portal depending on the type of development you are proposing. Refer to Council's Development Application Guide.

Step 3

Customer lodges the application:

  • Online via the NSW Planning Table Properties Portal.
  • There is no fee payable at this stage.
  • An acknowledgement letter will be issued.
  • Hard copies of plans or any other documents are not required to be submitted.
  • Online - all documents and plans are to be uploaded to the portal.  
Please ensure written owners consent is lodged with every application. See Owners Consent Form for Development Applications.

Note: For online lodgements, all initial correspondence will be through the NSW Planning  portal, including notification of acceptance or return of an application, and a notification of what fees are to be paid and how that payment can be made.

Step 4

Council will review the documentation. The customer will be contacted for the following:

  • Acceptance of the application and request for fee/s to be paid, OR
  • Return of the application with a request for additional information to be provided.

Step 5

Once Council is satisfied that the necessary information has been provided and full and correct fees have been paid you will receive:

  • A receipt specifying the fees paid; and
  • The registered development application number to acknowledge that we have received your application.

Step 6

When the required fee/s is paid, the application will then be lodged as a Development  Application, Section 4.55 Modification Application or Section 8.2 Review Application and assessment of the application will commence.

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