Noise can be a nuisance and in some cases, offensive. Excessive noise can cause tension within the community, anti-social behaviour and grievances between neighbours.
The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017 set boundaries for noise that may cause a nuisance or offense. Depending on the type of noise, there are a number of government agencies that can respond to the noise nuisance you may be experiencing.
Further information can be found on the NSW EPA webpage.
Neighbourhood Noise
Below is a list of responsible government agencies and their contact details for dealing with the different types of noise.
Neighbourhood noise is common and normal in an urban area. However, to prevent excessive noise, time restrictions are put in place. These time restrictions are governed under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017:
Source of noise – from residential premises
Time restrictions* when noise should not be heard in a habitable room** in a neighbour’s residence
Power tools and equipment (powered garden tools – e.g. lawn mowers and leaf blowers – electric or pneumatic tools, chainsaws, circular saws, gas or air compressors and swimming pool or spa pumps)
- Before 8.00am or after 8.00pm on Saturday, Sundays or on public holidays.
- Before 7.00am or after 8.00pm on any other day *.
Musical instruments or electrically amplified sound equipment (e.g. radios, TVs, tape recorders, CD and DVD players and home theatre system)
- Before 8.00am or after midnight on any Friday, Saturday, or day immediately before a public holiday.
- Before 8.00am or after 10.00pm on any other day.
Air conditioners and heat pump water heaters
- Before 8.00am or after 10.00pm on Saturday, Sunday or public holidays.
- Before 7.00am or after 10.00pm on any other day.
Motor vehicles (apart from normal entry and exit from residential premises)
- Before 8.00am or after 8.00pm on Saturday, Sunday or public holidays
- Before 7.00am or after 8.00pm on any other day.
Refrigeration units fitted to motor vehicles (regardless of it being on residential premises or not)
- Before 8.00am or after 8.00pm on Saturday, Sunday or public holidays
- Before 7.00am or after 8.00pm on any other day.
* Council's cleaning services are exempt from these guidelines.
** A habitable room means any room other than a garage, storage area, bathroom, laundry, toilet or pantry.
If you are affected by a neighbourhood noise listed above, there are several things you can do:
Talk to the person creating the noise - Often people do not realise they are causing a noise nuisance and are willing to work with you to resolve the problem when you bring it to their attention.
Contact a Community Justice Centre - If the noise continues, you can contact a Community Justice Centre. This government-funded independent organisation specialises in settling differences between neighbours without entering complicated legal processes.
Contact the Police or Council - You can contact the Police or Council under the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. Both Council and NSW Police may be able to assist you with your noise issue. When contacting Council about a noise problem, you may be asked to keep a noise diary to assist with the investigation. The St George Local Area Command (Police) can be contacted on 8566 7412 for after hours noise issues.
Obtaining a Noise Abatement Order - If you are continuously being affected by a source of noise, you can take independent action by seeking a Noise Abatement Order from the local court.
Other Contacts for Noise Pollution:
You may also experience other neighbourhood noises not listed above but are impacted due to the nature and duration of the noise. These include:
Noise source |
Information |
Responsible Regulatory Authority |
Barking Dogs |
Council’s rangers may investigate barking dog issues.
Please visit our Animal Complaints information page for further information. |
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours) |
Car Alarm |
It is an offence for an intruder alarm to sound* for more than:
- 45 seconds for cars manufactured on or after 1 September 1997
- 90 seconds for older cars
A defence is provided for the above conditions, but only for vehicles manufactured before 1 March 2009, if:
- A vehicle window or windscreen was broken or removed
- The motor vehicle was involved in an accident
- The motor vehicle was broken into or an attempt was made to break into it.
The owner or operator of the vehicle is responsible for the alarm system.
- It does not matter whether the alarm sounds continuously or intermittently for the purpose of measuring the sounding period.
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Police Assistance Line:
Phone: 131 444 (24 hours) |
Building Alarm |
It is an offence for an intruder alarm to be heard in any neighbouring residence when it sound for more than:
- 5 minutes if installed on or after 1 December 1997
- 10 minutes if installed before 1 December 1997
No distinction is made between an alarm sounding because of a break-in or because it is faulty.
The owner or occupier of the building is responsible for the alarm system. |
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Police Assistance Line:
Phone: 131 444 (24 hours) |
Loud Talking or Profanity |
Loud talking or profanity is considered a behaviour issue and is not a matter that Council has jurisdiction. |
Police Assistance Line:
Phone: 131 444 (24 hours) |
Waste Collection |
Waste collection is an essential part of our lives to ensure the environment and our health is kept safe and healthy.
Due to the nature of the service, waste collection is usually carried out early in the morning to ensure traffic flow is not disrupted as well as pedestrian safety.
If you are experiencing excessive noise from business waste collection, it is encouraged that you communicate with the business.
If the problem persists, lodge a request with Council and an assessment will be carried out based on, but not limited to, the following:
- Necessity of the service,
- Time of collection,
- The location, and
- Traffic and pedestrian flow
For information regarding provision of waste collection services for residential properties and any concerns relating to noise are detailed within the Waste Services section of Council’s website. |
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours) |
Industrial / Commercial / Retail Noise
Industrial Complexes
EPA licensed |
EPA Environment Line:
Phone: 131 555
Website |
Industrial Complexes
Non EPA licensed |
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours) |
Commercial or Retail Premises
- Ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration |
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours) |
Retail Premises
Pub, club or licensed premises
- Loud music or patron noise |
Office of Liquor, Racing and Gaming:
Phone: 9995 0300
Online Form
Residential Waste Collection |
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours) |
Transport Noise
Aircraft Noise
Including: in flight, taxiing, taking off and landing
EPA National Noise Inquiry Line:
Phone: 1300 302 240
Noisy Motor Vehicles
Including: trail bikes in a public place and
- Roads, verges and car parks
- Off road, including parks and reserves
EPA Environment Line - General
Phone: 131 555
Police Assistance - Public place
Phone: 131 444 (24 hours)
Georges River Council - Private property
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Noisy Motor Vehicles
Including: trail bikes on a private property
Police Assistance Line:
Phone: 131 444 (24 hours)
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Road Traffic:
Local roads
Roads and Maritime Services for *RMS roads
Phone: 13 22 13 (General)
Online Enquiries
Georges River Council (Local roads):
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Road Traffic:
Freeways, tollways, main roads
*RMS roads
Roads and Maritime Services
Phone: 13 22 13 (General)
Online Enquiries
Rail Noise
EPA Environment Line
Phone: 131 555
Recreational Boating
Jet skis, amplified music from vessels
Roads and Maritime Services:
Phone:13 12 36
(Mon to Fri 8.30am – 5.00pm and
Sat & Sun 8.30am to 4.30pm)
Online Enquiries
Water Police: 1800 658 784 (toll free)
Construction Noise
Building Construction
EPA Environment Line:
Phone: 131 555
Georges River Council:
Phone 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Major Public Infrastructure
EPA Environment Line:
Phone: 131 555
Road Construction
Freeways and tollways
EPA Environment Line:
Phone: 131 555
Road Construction
Main roads (*RMS roads)
Roads and Maritime Services for *RMS roads
Online Enquiries
Road Construction
Local roads
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
* RMS roads:
Princes Highway, Stoney Creek Road, Forest Road (between Queens Road and Henry Lawson Drive), Forest Road (north of Lily Street up to Croydon Road) King Georges Road, Croydon Road (between Queens Road and Forest Road), Henry Lawson Drive, Queens Road and Rocky Point Road.
Public Sporting and Entertainment
Aquatic Motorised Sporting Events
Roads and Maritime Services:
Phone: 13 12 36
(Mon - Fri 8.30am to 5.00pm
and Sat & Sun 8.30am to 4.30pm)
Online Enquiries
Water Police: 1800 658 784 (toll free)
Concert Facilities
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Sporting Facilities
Georges River Council:
Phone: 9330 6400 (24 hours)
Thank you for your feedback.