193-199 Rocky Point Road, 66-68 Ramsgate Road and 2-4 Targo Road, Ramsgate.
Fabcot Pty Ltd.
Planning Proposal Request
Amend the Georges River LEP 2021:
- Rezone the land to E1 Local Centre.
- Increase the building height to part 16m and part 29m.
- Increase the Floor Space Ratio (FSR) to 2.64:1 across the whole site.
- Include a new Part 6 Additional local provision to allow flexibility for future development to exceed the height limit to provide roof top communal open space and associated built form elements.
- Amend schedule 4 to reclassify Council-owned land (Lot 301 DP 114822) from ‘community land’ under the Local Government Act to ‘operational land’.
The Planning Proposal was referred to the Georges River Local Planning Panel on Thursday 5 December 2024.
The Planning Proposal will be referred to the Environment and Planning Committee and Council in early 2025.
Planning Proposal
Planning Proposal Report.
Local Planning Panel
In accordance with the Direction from the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces under Section 9.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the charter of the Georges River Local Planning Panel (LPP) 2018, a Planning Proposal is to be referred to the LPP before it is forwarded for Gateway Determination (approval).
The LPP considered the Planning Proposal at its Meeting on Thursday 5 December 2024.
The Attachments to the LPP Report are as follows:
Thank you for your feedback.