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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities

Georges River Council acknowledges the Bidjigal people of the Eora Nation. They have been caring for the land, water, and sky around the Georges River area for thousands of years.

Council values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our community. We appreciate their culture and traditional knowledge that they bring to our community.

We pay our respect to the older people who were here before and the ones who are here now. We also show respect to all the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live, work, and meet on this land.

In the past, some government decisions caused a lot of pain and problems for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These effects have lasted a long time and affected different generations. Racism has also made these problems worse, leading to poor and unfair health and job outcomes.

We understand that local councils can play a positive role in the healing process. We also recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people know what is best for their communities. We will listen and learn from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee. Together, we will work to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the Georges River area.

We also want to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and knowledge in meaningful ways. Our Advisory Committee will guide the way we share information and plan events.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee provides a vital link between Council and the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.Shanelle Beazley and Toni Golovodovski – Co-Chairs of the Advisory Committee

It provides input and feedback on a wide range of Council's policies, plans and projects.

It also raises issues important to local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the Georges River area.

For more information, please see the Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference.

Pictured: Shanelle Beazley and Toni Golovodovski – Co-Chairs of the Advisory Committee.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart

On Monday 26 June 2023, Council voted to support the following.

  • The Uluru Statement from the Heart - an invitation to all Australians to walk together to build a better future.

  • A Voice to Parliament - enshrining a First Nations Voice in the Australian Constitution.

  • A Makarrata Commission - coming together after a struggle. Create agreements between governments and First Nations people and truth-telling about our history.


Acknowledgement of Country 

We are committed to showing respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia's First Peoples. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Georges River area, the Bidjigal people, at events, ceremonies, meetings and functions.

Learn about our Protocols of Acknowledgement of Country.

Community Capacity Building Programs 

We support a range of programs and initiatives that show respect, promote and celebrate Aboriginal culture and heritage within the Georges River area. These include:

Reconciliation Week 

Reconciliation Week is an annual celebration held from 27 May to 3 June. It is a time to celebrate and build on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.

The theme for 2024, 'Now More Than Ever', is a reminder to all of us that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will — and must — continue. Now more than ever, we need to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation. 

Council initiatives for Reconciliation Week 2024 include a range of events at our parks, libraries and Hurstville Museum and Gallery. 


NAIDOC Week is celebrated every year in the first week of July. It is a special week to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The National NAIDOC Week theme for 2023 was 'For Our Elders'. This theme recognised the many important roles that elders play. They are trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and loved ones.

In 2023, Council was a major sponsor of 3Bridges Community's NAIDOC Youth and Family Day in Penshurst Park. We also hosted a range of events at our libraries and the Hurstville Museum and Gallery throughout July.


Social support groups 

Aboriginal Children's Group

This group is run every Thursday afternoon for children aged 17 and under. It is a cultural program to ensure Aboriginal youth can develop a strong connection to their culture and identity. The team at Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation bring with them a wealth of cultural knowledge through their own lived experiences, knowing the importance of creating a connection to one’s identity and country.

For more information visit the Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation website.

Gumbul Djaadjaa (Strong Brother) Men's Group

Gumbul Djaadjaa Men’s Group offers regular health, wellbeing and cultural activities.

For more information visit the Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation website.

Yanadi Women's Group

The Yanadi Women’s Group meets weekly on Fridays and brings together Aboriginal women to participate in a range of activities such as arts and crafts, candle making, traditional weaving, jewellery making and much more.

For more information visit the Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation website.


Walking Together

In 2019 we launched Walking Together. This documentary features local stories. They are about friendship and reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Enjoy the film.

Walking on Georges River Country - Shannon Foster

We are proud to have celebrated National Reconciliation Week in 2020 with Shannon Foster. Shannon is a Sydney D’harawal Saltwater Knowledge Keeper and local Traditional Owner. This video, Yana’o Kai’eemagh - Walking on Georges River Countrytakes viewers on a walk to explore the Georges River with Shannon. She shares her knowledge of the stories, knowledge, plants and animals that belong to the Country on this beautiful stretch of water.


For further information, please contact our Community Capacity Building team on (02) 9330 6400 or

Useful Links

Visit our Community Support Services Directory for links to local and other relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services.

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