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Development Applications

Development Application and Certification Process

The following types of applications to Georges River Council must be submitted using the NSW Planning Portal:

  • Development Applications.
  • Applications to Modify Consents (s4.55 applications).
  • Review of Determination (s8.2 applications).
  • Construction Certificates.
  • Complying Development Certificates.
  • Subdivision Certificates.
  • Basix Certificates.
  • Occupation Certificates. 

The NSW Planning Portal makes it easy to submit Building Information Certificate applications. It's online, so you can do it anytime, anywhere. We remain committed to customer service. We encourage applicants to use our pre-lodgement service for information and advice.  

You can make payments for Planning Portal applications via the Council's payments webpage.

For more information, see our Development Application Guide and Development Application Lodgement Checklist. Or contact our Duty Planner at (02) 9330 6400.

Low to Mid Rise Housing Reforms

The State Government has introduced the Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy as part of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021.  The Policy changes planning controls within 800m of well-located shops, services and transport hubs to allow low and mid-rise housing.

Information about the Policy can be found at Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy | Planning.

BASIX Updates

The BASIX tool is being enhanced and moving to the NSW Planning Portal in September 2023. You will need a Planning Portal account to access the enhanced BASIX tool. The existing BASIX tool will be decommissioned and BASIX accounts will not work. 

Increases to the BASIX standards took effect on 1 October 2023. From 1 October 2023, applications must now include a valid BASIX certificate.

Housing and Productivity Contributions

The NSW Parliament passed the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Housing and Productivity Contributions) Bill 2023. Which will change how contributions are levied for State infrastructure.

It will apply to development applications made on or after 1 October 2023. Including complying development and State Significant Development. A draft Ministerial Order has been prepared along with an Implementation Guideline.

Further information can be found on the Department of Planning and Environment website.

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