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A - Z Recycling Guide

Can't find something in the list? Here are some webpages with more information:

  • Recycle Mate application - search through over 7000 plus items for recycling and responsible disposal options.

  • RecyclingNearYou - search through this PlanetArk directory for more residential and commercial waste options.  

  • A

    Acid and Alkaline:
    This can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Aerosol Cans:
    If these are empty, they can be recycled in the yellow-lidded recycling bin. If these are not empty, they can be disposed of at the Household Chemical CleanOut or the visit TerraCycle for information on their recycling programs. 

    Aerosol Cans (Butane):
    Butane aerosol cans or canisters such as those used for camping should NOT be put in the kerbside recycling they are highly flammable if any gas is remaining in them. It's best practice to keep them out of the kerbside bin and dispose of them at Household Chemical CleanOut or the visit TerraCycle for information on their recycling programs.

    Air Conditioners:
    When replacing air conditioners, ask the installer to remove the old one. Metal recyclers may remove these once degassed. Alternatively, you can take these to your local waste and recycling centre.

    ⚠ Please do not place these out in your Bulky Waste Collection as units that are not properly degassed pose an explosion risk.

    Foil, trays and cans can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    This and other household cleaners can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Please contact the Police assistance line on 131 444 for information on disposal and collection of ammunition, grenades and safety fuses.

    Animals (Deceased):
    Please contact your local vet for details on burial and disposal options (fees may apply). You may also bury small animals in your back garden. Do not place these animals in your household waste bins.

    Anti-freeze and other automotive chemicals can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    If these cannot be donated or sold, you may place large white goods in a Bulky Waste Collection.
    Smaller rechargeable appliance with embedded batteries are not accepted Bulky Waste Collection or household bins, see E-Waste Drop Off. 

    A licenced contractor must safely handle and dispose of this at a licenced facility. Visit Recycling Near You to find a licenced contractor.

    For more information on removal and disposal of Asbestos please see Safe Work NSW.

    ⚠ Health hazard - DO NOT place any asbestos or building material in any household bins or Bulky Waste Collection.

    If the ash is cold, this can be disposed of in a bag and placed in your red-lidded general waste bin.

    Audio Tapes:
    If these cannot be sold or donated they can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection. They should be placed in a container.

    Audio and Video games:
    If these cannot be sold or donated they can be placed be placed in one of our small recycle stations located at: 

    • Civic Centre, Corner of MacMahon Street and Dora Street Hurstville

    • Hurstville Library, corner of Queen Street and Dora Street Hurstville

    • Clive James Library and Service Centre, Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street, Kogarah

    Automotive Fluid:
    This and other automotive chemicals can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

  • B

    Baits and other poisons can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Batteries (Car):
    Most car workshops, scrap metal collectors and service stations will accept used car batteries for recycling. Otherwise, please refer to Household Chemical CleanOut.

    You can also find a battery recyclers by visiting the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative website and Recycling Near You

    ⚠ DO NOT place any batteries in any household bins or Bulky Waste Collection, these are a fire hazard.

    Batteries (Household):

    Find battery drop-off points by visiting the B-cycle Battery Recycling webpage.

    Take A, AAA, C, D and 9V sized batteries to the small item recycling stations in the customer service area of the

    • Civic Centre, Corner of MacMahon Street and Dora Street, Hurstville.

    • Hurstville Library, corner of Queen Street and Dora Street, Hurstville.

    • Clive James Library and Service Centre, Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street, Kogarah.

    This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority, Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.

    ⚠ DO NOT lace any batteries in any household bins or Bulky Waste Collection, these are a fire hazard.

    Batteries Lithium Removable:
    Found in portable electronic devices such as power tools,  vacuum cleaners and E-Scooters.
    These can be taken to the Household Chemical CleanOut drop off , some stores will accept hand held batteries for recycling or drop off points visit B-cycle.

    ⚠ DO NOT place any batteries in any household bins or Bulky Waste Collection, these are a fire hazard.

    Batteries Lithium Embedded:
    Found in mobile phones and laptops, these can be dropped off at Council run E-Waste Drop Off events or see 'E-waste' section in the A-Z recycling guide for alternative options. 

    ⚠ DO NOT place any batteries in any household bins or Bulky Waste Collection, these are a fire hazard.

    Beauty Products:
    You can find various options for recycling beauty products through TerraCycle.

    If these cannot be sold or donated, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection. You can also check out  the  Bower Reuse database or Reverse Garbage to learn about recycling options.

    If these cannot be donated on or sold, see Recycle Mate or Recycling Near You they can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection.

    This can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    If these cannot be sold, you can donate them to local charities or give to the Street Library

    Otherwise, small amounts of books can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin or in your Bulky Waste Collection. ( remove hardback book covers or metal binders as they contain non-paper elements and cannot be recycled)

    Bottles (Glass):
    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin or you can recycle them at your closest Return and Earn Reverse Vending Machine.

    Bottle Tops:
    Leave tops on the bottles and place in the recycle bin.

    Bottles (Plastic):
    Rigid plastic bottles including milk, juice and soft drink bottles can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin. Do not place them in plastic bags.Or you can take them to your nearest Return and Earn Reverse Vending Machine.

    Flat packed and broken down, these can be placed in the yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Brake Fluid: 
    These and other automotive fuels can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    If they are no longer than 1 meter in length or 15cm in diameter they can be bundled and placed in your Bulky Waste Collection or visit Recycling Near You website to find other recycling options.

    Bricks and Pavers:
    If these are in good condition, they can be sold or donated. Visit the Recycling Near You website to find other recycling options. 

    Broken Glass (Windows /Drinking glasses):
    If these are in small amounts, they can be wrapped and placed in the red-lidded general waste bin. Please do not place broken glass in the yellow-lidded recycling bin. For large amounts visit Recycling Near You website to find other recycling options.

    Bubble Wrap:
    This can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place this in the yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Building Materials:
    If these are in good condition they can be donated or sold. Visit the Recycling Near You website to find businesses who can recycle these items. 

    Bullets, Firearms and Ammunition:
    Please contact the police assistance line on 131 444 for information on disposal and collection of ammunition, grenades and safety fuses.

    Butane gas bottles or canisters:
    Unwanted gas bottles can be taken to the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    ⚠ DO NOT place compressed gas bottles or canisters of any kind in any household bin or Bulky Waste Collection as they pose a fire or explosion risk. 

  • C

    If these cannot be sold or donated, visit the Recycling Near You website to learn about other recycling options. 

    Car Baby Seats:
    If these cannot be sold or donated, visit  Reverse Garbage to learn about other recycling options. 

    Car Batteries:
    Most car workshops, scrap metal collectors and service stations will accept used car batteries for recycling. Otherwise, please refer to Household Chemical CleanOut.

    You can also find a battery recyclers by visiting the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative website and Recycling Near You

    ⚠ DO NOT place any batteries in any household bins or Bulky Waste Collection, these are a fire hazard.

    Car Bodies/Car Parts:
    If these cannot be donated or sold, visit the Recycling Near You website to learn about other recycling options.

    ⚠ DO NOT put car bodies or parts in your Bulky Waste Collection.

    If you have small amounts which can be flattened down, it can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.
    Georges River Council is now accepting cardboard for recycling at our E-Waste Drop Off events.

    You can also check out the Recycle Mate app or Ikea stores accept household amounts of cardboard. Collection points are located at the front of most stores. Ikea cardboard recycling.

    Cardboard can is also accepted for free to recycle at your nearest Waste Management or Resource Recovery Centre (please contact the centre for more details, fees may apply depending on the facility/company). 

    Greeting cards can be upcycled or can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Carpets and Underlay:
    This can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection. No longer than 1 meter in length.

    Cassette Tapes:
    If these cannot be sold or donated, they can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection in a container.

    Cat Litter:
    Place this in a bag and into the red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place this in the yellow-lidded recycling or green-lidded garden organics bin.

    Caustic Soda:
    This and other chemicals can be disposed of at a Household Chemical CleanOut.

    CD Cases, CDs and DVDS:
    Small quantities of these can be disposed of in our small recycle stations at the following locations.

    • Hurstville Civic Centre Corner Dora and MacMahon Streets, Hurstville

    • The Hurstville Library Corner of Queen and Dora Street, Hurstville  

    • The Clive James Library Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street 

    This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority, Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.

    This can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place this in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    This must not be placed out for Bulky Waste and cannot be placed in to the general waste bin. You can take this to your nearest Waste and Recycling facility or see Recycling Near You.

    If these are in good condition, they can be sold or donated. These can be placed your red-lidded general waste bin. If they are broken they must be wrapped. Please do not place these in the yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Charity Stores:
    Visit the Op Shop website to find your nearest charity stores including Salvation Army, the Red Cross Foundation, Save the children and Vinnies.

    Chemicals can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Chlorine and Pool Chemicals:
    Chlorine and pool chemicals can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Christmas (Decorations and Lights):
    If these cannot be donated or sold, they can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection.

    Christmas Trees (Artificial)
    If these cannot be donated or sold, they can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection.

    Christmas Trees Live:
    You may place smaller branches and needles in your green-lidded garden organics bin. For larger branches, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection if they are tied and bundled.

    Cigarette Butts:
    These can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place these in the yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Cling Wrap:
    This may be placed in the red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place this in the yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    If these cannot be sold you can:

    Please note: Charity stores do not accept damaged goods. Items which are placed near or around clothing donation bins are classified as illegally dumped.

    Otherwise, small amounts can be placed into the red-lidded general waste bin or bundled and placed in a Bulky Waste Collection

    Coat Hangers:
    These can be returned to store, donated to selected charities or dry cleaners, placed in your Bulky Waste Collection. Please do not place in yellow-lidded recycling bin. 

    Coffee Cups (takeaway):
    These can be disposed of in the red lidded general waste bin. Visit Simply Cups to find a drop-off speciality recycling location or become a business partner. Please do not place coffee cups, lids or straws in the yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Coffee Grounds:
    These can be placed in your worm farm or compost bin. Alternatively, you can place these in the red-lidded general waste bin if they are bagged.

    Coffee Pods (Plastic/Aluminium):
    Visit Recycling Near You to find recycling options, or Terracycle for their recycling programs. These can be placed in the red-lidded general waste bin.

    Commercial /industrial/trade waste:
    Do not place commercial waste in residential bins or public bins. Business owners must organise the removal of their waste through commercial waste services. If your commercial business has surplus foods, contact companies like Yume who provide a platform for distributing quality surplus foods.

    Computers and Accessories:
    If your usable electrical items cannot be sold or donated you can visit the Recycle Mate app or Recycling Near You website to find other recycling options. The Reconnect Project accepts various E-Waste items for repair.

    George River Council offer Quarterly events for E-Waste Drop OffOnly selected items are accepted, please view our website for details.

    The Federal government also lists approved organisations that provide households free access to recycling services as part of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme including details of the collection services and drop-off points.

    Electronics retailers such as Officeworks, JB-Hifi, The Good Guys and Harvey Normans also offer some free recycling services (fees may apply for specific items, see their website for contact details). 

  • D

    Demolition Waste:
    Visit Recycling Near You to learn about recycling and disposal options. 

    Detergent and cleaning product packaging:
    Empty packaging can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Dialysis Waste:
    You can dispose of medical waste at local hospitals.

    Diesels and other fuels can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Disposable Nappies:
    These can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Please do not place these in the yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Paper documents can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin. Please do not place shredded paper in your yellow-lidded recycling bin. Shredded paper can also be used in your compost bin.

    DVD Cases:
     Small quantities of these can be disposed of in our small recycle stations at the following locations.

    • Hurstville Civic Centre Corner Dora and MacMahon Streets, Hurstville

    • The Hurstville Library Corner of Queen and Dora Street, Hurstville  

    • The Clive James Library Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street 

    This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority, Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy. Otherwise you may place these in your red-lidded general waste bin. Large amounts can be boxed and placed out for the Bulky Waste Collection. Please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Small quantities of these can be disposed of in our small recycle stations at the following locations.

    • Hurstville Civic Centre Corner Dora and MacMahon Streets, Hurstville

    • The Hurstville Library Corner of Queen and Dora Street, Hurstville  

    • The Clive James Library Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street 

    This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority, Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy. Otherwise you may place these in your red-lidded general waste bin. Large amounts can be boxed and placed out for the Bulky Waste Collection. Please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

  • E

    Egg Cartons:
    These can be placed in your yellow lidded recycle bin.

    If your usable electrical items cannot be sold or donated you can visit the Recycle Mate app or Recycling Near You website to find other recycling options. The Reconnect Project accepts various E-Waste items for repair.

    George River Council offer Quarterly events for E-Waste Drop OffOnly selected items are accepted, please view our website for details.

    The Federal government also lists approved organisations that provide households free access to recycling services as part of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme including details of the collection services and drop-off points.

    Electronics retailers such as Officeworks, JB-Hifi, The Good Guys and Harvey Normans also offer some free recycling services (fees may apply for specific items, see their website for contact details). 

    Electric Blankets:
    If these cannot be donated these can be placed out in your Bulky Waste Collection.

    Electrical Cords:
    These can be taken to the E-Waste Drop Off

    With or without windows these can be placed in the yellow-lidded recycling bin. 

    Exercise Equipment:
    If these items cannot be sold on or donated these can be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection.

    Visit the Op Shop website or RecycleMate app to find a local charity store who accepts these. 

  • F

    If these cannot be donated or sold these can be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection. See clothing section to see other options.

    Fence Palings:
    Visit Recycling Near You to learn about recycling options, or these can be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection, these must be cut into 1 metre lengths.

    This must not be disposed of in your household waste bins, Kerbside Clean Up or skip bins. A licenced contractor must dispose of this at a licenced facility. Visit Recycling Near You to find a licenced contractor.

    Fire Extinguishers:
    You can dispose of these at the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    For disposal, contact Services NSW.

    Flowers (Artificial)
    These can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin.

    Flowers (Live)
    These can be placed in your Green-lidded garden organics waste bin. You can also place these in your compost bin or garden.

    Fluorescent Tubes and Globes:
    These can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut. Ikea also accept Fluorescent tubes and globes at some stores. Visit Recycling Near You to learn about other recycling options. Please do not place these in your household waste bins.

    Foam (Polystyrene):
    Polystyrene is now accepted as part of the added extras at the E-waste events. You can also visit the RecycleMate or Expanded Polystyrene Service website for recycling options. Otherwise, small amounts can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. 

    Food cans/tins:
    When empty these can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Foods (Including Fruit Vegetable Scraps):
    These can be placed in your compost bin, worm farm or bokashi bin. Alternatively, you can place your food waste in your red-lidded general waste bin.

    Food packaging: (paper/cardboard)
    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Food wrappers/pouches:
    These can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Do Not place these in the yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Foil and foil trays:
    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Furniture can be donated through various charities including ReLove or sold through various sites. For more options on recycling or reuse you can visit  Recycling Near You. Alternatively, furniture can be placed out in the Bulky Waste Collection.

    These can be donated through various charities including ReLove or they can be sold through various sites, For more options on recycling or reuse you can visit  Recycling Near You. Alternatively, Fridges and freezers can be placed out in the Bulky Waste CollectionPlease note that doors must be removed.

  • G

    Garden and Green waste:
    This can be placed in your green-lidded garden organics bin. Small amounts can also be placed in your compost bin. Larger amounts of green waste can be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection. This must be tied and bundled.

    Garden hoses:
    These can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place them in your green-lidded garden organics or yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Garden ornaments and furniture:
    Unwanted items in good condition can be donated or sold. Visit  Recycling Near you for more recycling options .Otherwise they can be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection.

    Gas Bottles and Canisters:
    Unwanted gas bottles can be taken to the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    ⚠ DO NOT place compressed gas bottles or canisters of any kind in any household bin or Bulky Waste Collection as they pose a fire or explosion risk. 

    Glad Wrap/Bags:
    Visit TerraCycle for information on their Glad food care free program.

    Glass Jars and Bottles (Packaging):
    These can be donated or sold. Visit the Recycling Near you page for more recycling options.  Alternatively, they can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Glass (Non Recycling):
    Glass not made for packaging bottles and jars can have different qualities such as melting temperature and should NOT be placed in yellow-lidded recycling bin.  This includes bakeware, drinking glasses, decorative glass, window glass, lightbulbs and mirrors which contaminate recyclable glass. 
    For small amounts wrap glass and place in your red-lidded bin. For large panels such as shower screens, window glass, mirrors, and glass tabletops. Please arrange private removalist or drop off at:

    Please contact Cleanaway (02) 8645 4304 for more information. Charges may apply.
    Visit Planet Ark's Business Recycling webpage to find more information about excess business waste recycling options.

    Grass Clippings:
    Grass clippings can be placed in your compost bin. These can also be placed in your green-lidded garden organics bin unbagged. 

    Greeting Cards:
    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Guns and Explosives:
    Contact the Police assistance line on 131 444 for information on safe disposal.

    Guttering Metal:
    If these are in good condition they can be donated or sold. Visit Recycling Near You for more recycling options.

    Building materials can not be placed in your household waste bins or in your Bulky Waste Collection. Visit  Recycling Near You for more recycling options.

  • H

    These can be disposed in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Hot Water Systems:
    Visit Recycling Near You website to learn about recycling options.

    Household Cleaning Products:
    These can be taken to the Household Chemical CleanOut. Household cleaning products packaging can be recycled through TerraCycle see website for details.

  • I

    Ink cartridges:
    Visit the Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. Do not place these in your household waste bins. 

    Insulation batts:
    This must not be disposed of in your household waste bins, Bulky Waste Collection or skip bins. A licenced contractor must dispose of this at a licenced facility. Visit Recycling Near You to find a licenced contractor.

  • J

    Jars and Jar lids:
    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin if they are un-bagged.
    Juice Cartons and Poppers:
    These can be placed in your red - lidded general waste bin.
    Junk Mail:
    This can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin without any plastic packaging. You can avoid Junk Mail if you place a ‘No Junk Mail’ sign on your letter box.

  • K

    Kitchen Cupboards:
    These can be sold or donated. Visit Recycling Near You website to find other recycling options. These cannot be placed out for the Bulky Waste Collection.
    Kitchen Sinks:
    Visit  Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these.
    These cannot be placed out for the Bulky Waste Collection.
    Kitty Litter:
    Place this in a bag and into the red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place this in the green-lidded garden organics bin.

  • L

    Laminated Paper:
    Please place in your red-lidded general waste bin. Do not put this in your Yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    Laundry Tubs (Metal):
    Visit  Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. 

    Do not place these in your household waste bins or your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Lawn Mower:
    If these cannot be sold or donated, Otherwise, you may place them in the Bulky Waste Collection. 
    These can be placed in the green-lidded garden organics bin or compost bin.
    Light Globes:
    Old halogen light bulbs can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin wrapped in paper.

    Please do not place fluorescent bulbs in the general waste bin, these can be disposed of at the
    Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Ikea stores accept light globes. Collection points can be found at the front of most stores. 
    Linen and Manchester:
    If this cannot sold or donated, Visit  Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. You may also donate these to local charities. Or they can be placed out in your Bulky Waste Collection if they are bagged.
    Lino Flooring:
    If this cannot sold or donated, Visit Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. This can also be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection in lengths of no longer than 1.5 meters. 
    Logs and Stumps:
    You can find where to recycling these by visiting the Recycling Near You website or check Recycle Mate for disposal options. 

    Please do not place these in your green-lidded garden organics bin or Bulky Waste Collection.

  • M

    If these cannot be sold or donated to charities, they can be place in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    These can be placed in the red-lidded general waste bin.

    Mailing bags:
    If the bag made of soft plastic or lined with soft plastic this goes into the red lidded general waste bin. 
    Marine Flares (Expired):
    You can visit the Services NSW website to view information on the Expired Marine Flares Collection Program, including dates, times and locations of collection points. 

    You can visit Recycling Near You website to find places to recycle these.  Alternatively, these can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection. Please note these are to be placed to the side of your collection, to be collected by a recycle contractor on an alternative day.
    Meat trays:
    Foam meat trays can be placed in the red-lidded general waste bin. Do not place these in the yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Rigid plastic trays (empty and clean) can be placed in the yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    Medical Waste:
    Local hospitals and selected pharmacies accept needles and syringes. If you see a needle in a public place, please do not touch it. Instead, call the Needle Clean-Up Hotline on 1800 633 353. This call centre will take reports from the public about dumped needles and syringes anywhere within NSW. 

    You can find sharps disposal locations on Safe Sharps and The Pharmacy Guild of Australia websites.

    Most chemist/pharmacies accept unwanted, expired or excess medicines for safe disposal. Please check with your nearest store for further information. Or you can visit The Pharmacy Guild of Australia for more information on disposing of these responsibly. You can also take them to Household Chemical CleanOut events. 
    View Recycling Near You website to find places to recycle these.
    Only small metal items can be placed out for the Bulky Waste Collection. Building materials are not accepted.

    Milk Cartons: (plastic)
    These can be placed in our yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    If these are in good condition these can be sold or donated to charities. Visit Recycling Near You website to find places to recycle these.

    Please do not place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Mobile Phones:

     Small quantities of these can be disposed of in our small recycle stations at the following locations.

    • Hurstville Civic Centre Corner Dora and MacMahon Streets, Hurstville

    • The Hurstville Library Corner of Queen and Dora Street, Hurstville  

    • The Clive James Library Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street 

    This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority, Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy. 

    Motor Oil:

    You can drop these off at Council's Household Chemical CleanOut . You may also visit the Recycling Near You website to find places to recycle these.

  • N

    These can be placed in the red-lidded general waste bin.
    Needles and Syringes:
    Local hospitals and selected pharmacies accept needles and syringes. If you see a needle in a public place, please do not touch it. Instead, call the Needle Clean-Up Hotline on 1800 633 353. This call centre will take reports from the public about dumped needles and syringes anywhere within NSW. 

    You can find sharps disposal locations on Safe Sharps and The Pharmacy Guild of Australia websites. 

    ⚠ DO NOT place syringes in any household bins.
    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin or compost bin. (Remove soft plastic wrapper before placing in recycle bin) 

    Nitrous oxide gas bottles or canisters:
    Unwanted gas bottles can be taken to the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    ⚠ DO NOT place compressed gas bottles or canisters of any kind in any household bin or Bulky Waste Collection as they pose a fire or explosion risk. 

    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

  • O

    Office Paper:
    This can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Oil (Cooking and Motor):
    These can be dropped off at Councils Household Chemical CleanOut event. Alternatively view the Recycling Near You   for other options.
    If you cannot sell or donate these to charities, Visit  Recycling Near You website to learn about recycling options. They can also be disposed of in your Bulky Waste Collection.

  • P

    This can be disposed of in Household Chemical CleanOut. Otherwise, you can visit the Recycling Near You website to find places that recycle these.

    Please do not place these in your Bulky Waste Collection or kerbside  bins.

    Packaging foam:
    This can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. This is also accepted at our E-waste and Extras events.

    You can dispose of this in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    Paper (unshredded):
    You can dispose of this in your yellow-lidded recycle bin. If there is no plastic on the paper, it can be composted in your compost bin, worm farm or bokashi.

    Paper (shredded):
    These are too small to bale and recycle a Material Recovery Facility. This can be sealed in envelope or small box for recycling. Otherwise, place in red-lidded general waste bin or composted in your compost bin, worm farm or bokashi

    Paper towels /tissues and wipes: 
    Dispose of these in the red lidded general waste bin. Tissues, napkins and paper towels either used or unused contain short fibres and chemical binders which can't be recycled. Please do not place in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Pens and markers:
    This can be donated a local school or day care (check first) or recycled at a local Officeworks. Otherwise, place them in your red-lidded general waste bins. 

    These can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.
    Dispose of this in the Household Chemical CleanOut.
    Phone Books:
    You can place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin. If you want to cancel a phone book service, visit Directory Select.
    Photos and Photo Frames:
    These can be placed into your red-lidded general waste bin. Please wrap these in newspaper (or similar) before disposing.

    Pizza Boxes:
    Empty pizza boxes can be placed into the yellow-lidded recycle bin. Pizza boxes with food waste in them must go in the red-lidded general waste bin. 
    Plastics (General):
    Large plastic items not used in packaging such as wash baskets, buckets, chairs, PVC pipes and Tupperware should not be placed in yellow-lidded recycling bins. These items can be disposed of at Councils E-waste and extras events.

    Visit the Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. You can learn more about which plastics can be recycled by visiting the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) website. 
    Plastic Bags:
    These can be placed into your red lidded general waste bin. Please do not place these in the yellow lidded recycle bin.

    Plastic Film:
    You can place this in your red-lidded general waste bin.  
    Plastic Pot Plants:
    These can be taken to the E-Waste and Extras event or can be placed out in your Bulky Waste Collection. Alternatively, these can be placed into the red lidded general waste bin.
    Plastic Toys:
    Visit Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. Visit TerraCycle for information on their toy recycle program. Toys can be sold or donated to charities if they are in good condition. Otherwise, they can be placed out in your Bulky Waste Collection.

    Please dispose of these in the Household Chemical CleanOut.
    You can visit the Recycling Near You website to find locations which recycle this. Councils quarterly E-Waste Drop Off events also takes expanded polystyrene (EPS) for specialist recycling. 

    Alternatively, small amounts can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Please do not place these in the yellow-lidded recycling bin. 
    Pool Chemicals:
    You can take pool chemicals to the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Postage Satchels:
    Post satchels or online delivery bags that contain soft plastics should be placed in your red lidded waste bin

    Pots and Pans:
    Visit  Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. If these cannot be sold or donated to charities, you can put small amounts of these in your red-lidded general waste bin. Otherwise, please place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Power Tools:
    Visit Recycling Near You website to learn where to recycle these. These can be sold or donated to charities. Otherwise, they can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    You can visit the Recycling Near You website to find places to recycle these or see our E-waste Drop Off events. 

    Printer Cartridges:
    You can visit the Recycling Near You website to find more about Cartridges for Planet Ark.

    Propane gas bottles or canisters:
    Unwanted gas bottles can be taken to the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    ⚠ DO NOT place compressed gas bottles or canisters of any kind in any household bin or Bulky Waste Collection as they pose a fire or explosion risk. 

  • R

    Visit Reverse Garbage to learn of more recycling options . If these cannot be sold or donated to charities, you can place these in your the Bulky Waste Collection.

    Visit Recycling Near You to learn of more recycling options . If these cannot be sold or donated to charities . You can also place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Visit the Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.

    Rope, cord or twine strings if it cannot be reporposed. Place in red-lidded general waste bin. 
    Roof Tiles:
    Visit Recycling Near You the  website to find places which can recycle these. 

    Please do not place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.

  • S
    View Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these. 

    Sauce bottles and containers:
    When empty these can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Shampoo and conditioner bottles:
    When empty these can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    If these cannot be sold or donated to charities, you can place these in the red-lidded general waste bin. You can also visit the Recycling Near You website for recycling locations. 
    Shower Screens:
    These can be disposed of at your nearest waste and recycling facility. These cannot be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection.

    Smoke Alarms:
    These can be disposed of in the Household Chemical CleanOut.

    Please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin. 

    View Recycling Near You or Recycle Mate fto find places which can recycle these. Do not place in household bins. 

    Soft plastics:
    Dispose of soft plastics ( that can be scrunched in your hand) in the red lidded general waste bin, items include Soft plastic packaging,cling film, bubble wrap, rice bags, potting mix bags, snack packets, fruit bags, frozen vegetable bags, bread bag, magazine and newspaper wrapping. For alternative ways to dispose of these items visit  Recycling Near You.

    Please do not place these items into the yellow-lidded recycle bin.

    Solar Panels:
    When you're replacing solar panels, many companies will handle the removal and disposal for you. Just ask your supplier about their disposal process. 

    Alternatively, you can also contact PV industries or EcoActiv who recycle the panels in Australia.

    Do not place in your kerbside bins or Bulky Waste Collection. 

    Shredded paper:
    These are too small to bale and recycle a Material Recovery Facility. This can be sealed in envelope or small box for recycling. Otherwise, place in red-lidded general waste bin or composted in your compost bin, worm farm or bokashi

    Sporting Equipment:

    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these. These can be sold or donated to Charities. Otherwise, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.

    Stationery / Office supplies
    Office supplies made from mixed materials (such as pens, pencils, binder folders) cannot be recycled in yellow lidded bins.  You can try donating them to local organisation or check Terracycle , for pens, pencils or markers see Officeworks recycling program, otherwise place in red-lidded general waste bin.

    Steel Cans:
    These can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    Stoves and Ovens
    View the Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these. These can be sold or donated to Charities,  Otherwise, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection
    You can visit the Recycling Near You website to find locations which recycle this.

    Alternatively, small amounts can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin. Please do not place these in the yellow-lidded recycling bin. 
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these. These can be sold or donated to Charities,  Otherwise, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Syringes and sharps:
    Local hospitals and selected pharmacies accept needles and syringes. If you see a needle in a public place, please do not touch it. Instead, call the Needle Clean-Up Hotline on 1800 633 353. This call centre will take reports from the public about dumped needles and syringes anywhere within NSW. 

    You can find sharps disposal locations on Safe Sharps and The Pharmacy Guild of Australia websites. 

    ⚠ DO NOT place syringes in any household bins.
  • T

    Tables without glass:
    If these cannot be upcycled or sold on these can be placed out in the Bulky Waste Collection.

    Tables with glass:
    If these cannot be upcycled or sold on, these must be disposed of at your nearest waste and recycling centre or see RecycleMate for some options.  These cannot be placed out in the Bulky Waste Collection.

    Takeaway or Fast food packaging:

    Only rigid plastic containers or unsoiled cardboard accepted into the yellow lidded recycle bin. No bio degradable or compostable containers accepted in the recycle bin.

    Tea Bags:
    These can be composted, otherwise you can dispose of them in the red-lidded general waste bin.
    Telephone Books:
    You can place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin. If you want to cancel a phone book service, visit directory select.

    Telephones (Land line):
    These can be sold or donated to Charities. Otherwise, you can dispose of these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these. These can be sold or donated to Charities,  Otherwise, they can be taken to Councils E-Waste drop off .

    TerraCycle (free recycling program): 
    Various waste items can be recycled as part of the free TerraCycle program. This program allows you, your school and/or your office to start collecting accepted items and send them for recycling.

    Some items that you can recycle include beauty products, bread bag clips, personal hygiene products, coffee/tea capsules and stationary.

    For information on how to participate, visit the TerraCycle website.

    If these cannot be donated or sold these can be placed in the Bulky Waste Collection. See clothing section to see other options.
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these. 
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these. 
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.

    Alternatively, these can be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin.

    Toilet paper rolls:
    These can be placed in the yellow-lidded recycle bin.
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.Visit TerraCycle for information on their recycle program. Toys can be sold or donated to Charities if they are in good condition. Otherwise, they can be placed in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Tree Trunks:
    You can find where to recycling these by visiting the Recycling Near You website. You may also take these to your local Waste Management Centre (fees apply).

    Please do not place these in the Bulky Waste Collection.

    Residents are encouraged to report abandoned trolleys so they can be collected. Abandoned trolleys can obstruct roads or footpaths, become a trip hazard, or end up in our waterways.

    Please report trolleys to:


    How to Report

    Big W
    Dan Murphy's

    Online: Complete the Report A Trolley form on the Trolley Tracker website
    App: Download the free Trolley Tracker app from App Store or Google Play Store
    Phone: 1800 641 497 (7 days, 8am-6pm)

    First Choice

    Online: Complete the Abandoned Trolley form on the Coles Website
    App: Download the free Coles app from App Store or Google Play Store
    Phone: 1800 876 553 (1800 TROLLEY) 7 days, 24 hours a day


    Online: Complete the Lost Trolleys form on the Aldi website

    Tyres and Wheels:
    You can visit the Tyre Cycle website to find your local tyre recycler. Otherwise, contact your local Waste Management Centre (fees apply).

    Please do not place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.

  • U

    If in good condition consider reusing or donating. Broken umbrellas can go in your red-lidded general waste bin or neatly bundled with other items in your Bulky Waste Collection
    Do not place in yellow-lidded recycling bin. 

  • V

    Vacuum Cleaner Dust:
    This can be disposed of in your compost bin or red-lidded general waste bin.
    Vacuum Cleaners:  
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.If these cannot be sold or donated to Charities. Alternatively, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    These cannot be placed into the red lidded general waste bin. These can be dropped of at  the next Household Chemical CleanOut events. Alternatively, you can find a Community Recycling Centre throughout the year.  

    Some battery recyclers will accept reusable and non reusable vapes.  See Recycling Near You for battery recyclers.

    Video Cassettes:
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.If these cannot be sold or donated to Charities. Alternatively, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Video Games Consoles:
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.If these cannot be sold or donated to Charities.They can also be taken to the E-Waste drop off.

    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.If these cannot be sold or donated to Charities.  Alternatively, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.

  • W

    These can be placed in your compost bin or your green-lidded garden organics bin.
    White Goods: 
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.If these cannot be sold or donated to Charities.  Alternatively, you can place these in your Bulky Waste Collection.
    Window Glass:
    Visit Recycling Near You website to find places which can recycle these.

    Please do not place these in your Bulky Waste Collection. 

    Wrapping Paper:
    If this does not have a plastic coating, it can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycle bin. Otherwise it must be disposed of in your red-lidded general waste bin.

  • X

    X-ray Images:
    These can be returned to the centre where the x-rays were obtained. Please contact the centre to confirm acceptance. 

    Otherwise, you can visit the Recycling Near You website to find other recycling locations. Or the NSW Department of Planning and Environment site for more options.

    Do not place in yellow-lidded recycling bin. 

  • Y

    Yoga mats: 
    If these cannot be donated or repurposed. Place in red lidded general waste bin or Bulky Waste Collection. Do not place in yellow-lidded recycling bin. 

  • Z

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