'Get the Site Right’ Blitz
Georges River, part of a group of councils across Sydney and the Hunter Coast, will inspect development sites. It will take action if sites lack proper sediment and erosion controls. The blitz aims to educate builders and developers. They must protect our waterways, foreshore areas, and marine life.
A protected environment is one of the six pillars of the Georges River Community Strategic plan.
Sand, soil, and cement from building sites are a major threat to our aquatic environment. These materials harm aquatic plants and animals when they enter our waterways. They can also block stormwater pipes, causing more flooding.
Developers, builders, and renovators must know their duties for erosion and sediment control. There are many benefits to preventing pollution from building sites. They include:
Reduced impact on aquatic and marine ecosystems and improved waterway health.
Improved water quality and visual amenity of our waterways.
Less sedimentation/pollution in our waterways. Improving the environment for fishing, boating, swimming, surfing, and other recreational activities.
Improved on-site drainage and improved working conditions, especially in wet weather.
Better site presentation for the public.
Reduction in complaints, clean-up costs, and Council fines.
Developers, builders and home renovators
Under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) allowing materials, including sediment or sediment-laden water, to enter a waterway is considered water pollution. This includes street gutters, stormwater drains, swales, or creek lines (flowing or not).
Development Consents also need sediment and erosion controls during development. If consent conditions are not complied with, this is a breach of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Both laws above allow the Council to enforce them. Pollution offences have serious consequences. Enforcement action includes, but is not limited to, issuing notices, orders, fines, or prosecuting in court.
The owner, developer, and sub-contractors must ensure the work follows the development consent and laws.
If you are developing and have questions about your controls, please contact the appointed certifier for advice. Refer to the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage’s ‘Blue Book’ for detailed rules. You can also download a quick summary of the facts. The Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils website contains other relevant information which may assist.
Members of the Public
We all play a part in protecting our waterways. Contact us to report pollution incidents, including poor sediment control.
Due to the nature of pollution, it is sometimes difficult for our officers to respond in time to witness the incident. It helps our officers to have as much information as possible and we appreciate any public help. Help can be in the form of notes. They should detail observations, including the date, time, and responsible parties (company names on vehicles or license plates). You can also provide photos or videos of the incident.
Council members examine every report with meticulous attention. Pollution harms our environment. Those responsible face severe penalties. We will investigate reports under the Enforcement Policy and take appropriate action.
Get the Site Right
Council takes part in the annual 'Get the Site Right' program. It enforces best practices for soil erosion and sediment control on building sites. The program aims to protect our environment, particularly our waterways.
‘Get the Site Right’ is a joint program between:
Cooks River Alliance.
NSW Department of Planning.
Industry and Environment (DPIE).
Georges Riverkeeper.
NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
Parramatta River Catchment Group.
Sydney Coastal Councils Group.
Local Sydney Councils and Lake Macquarie Council.
Thank you for your feedback.