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Planning Proposal for 407-511 King Georges Road, Beverly Hills


407-511 King Georges Road, Beverly Hills



Beverly Hills Owners Association Incorporated.

Rezoning Review

In May 2023, a rezoning review request was lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), by Mecone on behalf of the Beverly Hills Owners Association Incorporated, for consideration by the Sydney South Planning Panel (SSPP). The applicant requested a rezoning review because Council has failed to indicate its support for the proposal 115 days after the request to prepare a planning proposal was submitted.  

The rezoning review seeks the following amendments to the Georges River LEP 2021 (GRLEP 2021), to enable a mixed-use development on the western side of King Georges Road.

  • Increase the Floor Space Ratio from 2:1 to part 4:1 and part 5.5:1.

  • Increase the height from 15m to part 44m and part 50m.

Council was invited to provide comments and/or additional information on the proposal which will be considered by the Panel when deciding on whether the proposal should proceed to Gateway.

Planning Proposal Status

In August 2023, the Panel considered the rezoning review request along with Council's advice. The Panel determined that an increase in residential density has strategic merit. However, the Panel resolved to defer its final decision pending confirmation from the applicant that they agree to:

a) Revise the Planning Proposal to be consistent with Council’s draft Beverly Hills Town Centre Master Plan, 2020 (draft Master Plan), as amended by the Principles in Council’s resolution dated Monday 24 April 2023, specifically (c) and (d) c.i-iv (the Principles) (attached to the Panel decision); and
b) Subsequently provide additional information and a revised Planning Proposal to address the Panel’s concerns.

The applicant has up to two weeks from the date of the decision to confirm whether they agree to revise their Planning Proposal and provide further information. Should the applicant not agree, then the Panel will make a decision based on the information provided in the rezoning review submissions presented at the briefings with Council and the applicant.

Should the applicant agree, then they have up to a further six weeks to provide the Panel the revised Planning Proposal, including supporting reports and studies. The Panel will then make a decision on whether the revised Planning Proposal has site specific merit and should be submitted for a Gateway Determination.

The Panel decision can be viewed in this letter from the NSW Planning Panel to Council.

Subsequently, the applicant submitted a revised Planning Proposal in November 2023 seeking to:

  • Increase the Floor Space Ratio from 2:1 to part 2:1, 3:1, 3.5:1 and 5:1.

  • Increase the height from 15m to part 28m, 33m and 39m.

In December 2023, the Panel considered the revised Planning Proposal along with Council’s advice. The Panel determined the Planning Proposal should be submitted for a Gateway Determination because the proposal to increase residential density has demonstrated strategic merit and, subject to revisions as outlined in the Panel’s decision, demonstrates site specific merit. 

The Panel recommended that prior to submitting the Planning Proposal for a Gateway Determination, the Planning Proposal will need to be revised to be generally consistent with Council’s draft Master Plan, as amended by the Principles in Council’s resolution dated Monday 24 April 2023, and as follows:

(i) Residential Flat Building (RFB) be an additional permitted use (APU) at the rear of the site adjoining Dumbleton Lane. The APU should extend for 26m from Dumbleton Lane. The remainder of the site will only permit dwellings as shop top housing. 
(ii) Add a site specific clause, or other mechanism, which provides:

  • A maximum height of building (HOB) for:

  1. 423-505 King Georges Road of part 12m (for 26m from Dumbleton Lane) and part 21.4m for the remainder of the lots.

  2. The corner ‘gateway’ lots, being 407-421 and 507-511 King Georges Rd, of part 12m (for 14m from the western boundary) and part 31.4m for the remainder of the lots.

  • A maximum floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.5:1, including a non-residential FSR of 0.75:1.

  • The maximum HOB and FSR can only be achieved if the following are provided:

  1. A minimum width of 20m to King Georges Road.

  2. Width of Dumbleton Lane is increased by 3m.

  3. Development of the site is consistent with requirements identified in items iii-vi below.

(iii) Investigate and identify an appropriate mechanism for future open space that can be used by the public at 439 King Georges Road and investigate the feasibility of the drainage infrastructure at 443 King Georges Road being upgraded as open space.
(iv) Prepare an affordable housing viability report to achieve the delivery of affordable housing within the site. 
(v) Provide updated reports on flooding, traffic and any hazards from the existing pipeline.
(vi) Update all documentation to reflect the above requirements.

The applicant is to submit the revised Planning Proposal, including supporting reports and studies, to the Panel by the end of February 2024. The Panel will then meet to assess and determine whether the Proposal has met the Panel’s recommendations and is suitable for submission for a Gateway Determination. 

The Panel decision can be viewed in this letter from the NSW Planning Panel to Council.

Rezoning Review Documentation



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