All schools in the Georges River LGA can access the free schools waste program.
Modules include:
- Binwise.
- Natures Recyclers.
- Litter, Litter EveryWhere.
- Sustainable Shopping.
- Materials Matter.
- Wastescapes.
These modules are designed for Pre Schools, Primary Schools and High Schools and each module is closely linked to the Schools education program.
In addition to the current program, there is also the opportunity to visit the Cleanaway's Lucas Heights Resource Recovery Park. Students will travel on the landfill and see mitigation strategies for reducing the environmental impact of our society’s waste and learn about alternative recycling drop-off points for hazardous waste. Opportunity for small groups participate in an on-site workshop too.
- Transport not included.
- Suited for Stage 5 Geography and Stage 6 Earth and Environmental Science.
To register your interest or book an incursion or excursion complete the form below.
School Incursion or Excursion Program Form
Recycling at Schools
Schools that access and book the free schools waste programs can also access up to five (5) x 240L Commercial Recycling Bin Services FREE of charge. You can apply or change the number of recycling bins at your school by completing and returning the form below.
Schools Recycling Application Form
Other Waste Education Programs
The Georges River Keeper have partnered with the GREEC to create a unique litter program available to all schools. Please contact Georges River Keeper for more details.
Thank you for your feedback.