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Log it / Fix it

The Log it/Fix it platform is an easy-to-use online tool where you can report problems and request services directly from Council. It’s a quick way to inform Council about local issues like damaged footpaths, potholes, illegal dumping, illegal parking, or graffiti.

When you send a request through Log it/Fix it, the information goes to the right department within Council for review.

Response times depend on the type of issue. Small problems, like minor repairs, may be fixed quickly. However, more complicated issues that need special equipment or external contractors help may take longer to resolve.

After you submit your request, you’ll get a tracking number via email or SMS. You will also get updates as your request is processed, including when it is received and when the issue is resolved. In some cases, you may receive additional updates to keep you informed.

Log it/Fix it makes it easier for Council and the community to communicate. It’s the fastest and most effective way to report issues.

Note: If you are a first-time user, we have a guide available to help you get started.

Emergency Requests

In an emergency, like a dog attack in progress, call 000 immediately to report it to the Police.

Here are links to commonly reported items

To report any other issues, please use the Log it/Fix it portal.

Common issues not managed by Council

  • Anti-Social Activity or Crime

    Report suspicious or criminal behaviour to the appropriate authorities.

    St George Police - Phone: (02) 8566 7499.

  • SES: Emergency Assistance in Storms

    Call for help during severe weather events like storms or floods.

    SES - Phone: 132 500.

  • AUSGRID: Street Light Faults

    Report malfunctioning or broken street lights.

    Ausgrid - visit the Ausgrid website.

  • AUSGRID: Tree Pruning around Ausgrid power poles and electricity lines

    Request pruning services for trees near power lines to ensure safety.

    Ausgrid - visit the Ausgrid website.

  • State Road Issues

    Report problems on state-managed roads to the relevant authority.

    Transport for NSW - visit the Transport NSW website.

  • TELSTRA: Repairs to phone pits, pillars, cables or other Telstra owned assets

    Report issues with Telstra infrastructure for repairs.

    Telstra - visit the Telstra website.

  • SAFE WORK: Unsafe Building Sites

    Report construction sites that appear to be unsafe.

    Safe Work Australia - visit the Safe Work Australia website.

  • SYDNEY WATER: Sewer pipes and Sydney Water pipe leaks

    Report leaks or issues with sewer and water pipes managed by Sydney Water.

    Sydney Water - visit the Sydney Water website.

  • WIRES: Injured Wildlife

    Contact authorities if you encounter injured or distressed wildlife.

    WIRES - Phone: 1300 094 737.

  • Citizenship Ceremony Enquiries

    To learn about Council's role in Citizenship Ceremonies, or to prepare once you have been assigned a date, visit our Council Events Citizenship Ceremonies page.

    If you are want to apply for citizenship, or are waiting for your ceremony date you need to contact the Department of Home Affairs. You can also phone the Department of Immigration on 131 881.

  • AEC: Information on voting, where to vote and information on elections

    Access details on voting locations, election information, and eligibility.

    NSW Electoral Commission - Phone: 1300 135 736.

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