In September 2019, the Oatley Park adventure inclusive playground was launched to the community providing visitors to Oatley Park with a first-class recreation asset which includes new park furniture and recreation infrastructure which caters to people of all ages and abilities.
With the NSW Government's 'Everyone Can Play' inclusive play space guidelines influencing the design of the playground, over 80% of the playground and its play elements are accessible for children of all abilities.
Oatley Park and Baths are identified as a Heritage item of local significance, as per Schedule 5 of the Hurstville Environmental Plan 2012.
The land was proclaimed by the State Government in May 1888 and was initially known as Peakhurst Park. Hurstville Council was appointed the trustee in 1908 and the park was recognised for being one of the few sizeable areas of waterfront land which was not privately owned.
The Park contains a number of historically important elements including archaeological remnants of structures, the sandstone kiosk and lookout known as the ‘Castle’ which was built during the Great Depression, and the ‘Lone Pine’ tree near the entrance of the Park. The pine tree was planted in 1920 by Owen John Davies, a WWI veteran who grew the tree from a seed he collected from the original Lone Pine in Gallipoli.
Oatley Baths was constructed in 1909 and is significant as one of only a few suspended net enclosures and one of only two baths/pools within the Sydney Region formed by enclosing a naturally occurring shoreline feature.
Oatley Park is noted for its trees, shrubs and native flowers, as well as the river beaches and prolific bird life. Tall smooth–barked Apples (Angophoras Costata) grow throughout Oatley Park. They are easily identified by their grey to pink trunks, which exude a deep red gum known as ‘kino.'
Growing in the small grassy picnic area are two types of Wattles - Cootamundra Wattle and Queensland Silver Wattle - which were introduced from other parts of Australia.
The red flowering Coral Trees also grow along the shoreline, attracting Wattlebirds and other nectar loving birds.
Oatley Park is popular with visitors all year round enjoying a variety of recreational and sporting activities including picnics, swimming, walking and cycling.
Dogs must be on-leash in this park at all times.
The gates are opened at approximately 6.30am all year round and closing times are at dusk all year round.
The Oatley Park Castle is available to hire for private functions, including weddings and corporate bookings. For booking enquiries, please contact us.
Learn more about park facilities and bookings.
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