You can find your bin collection days on the My Bin Collection Days page. You can do this by clicking on the relevant Bin Day Finder button and searching for your address.
Report a missed collection or damaged, lost or stolen bins
Log your service requests online using
Log It / Fix It or call the Waste Hotline on 1800 079 390.
What bins should I have?
New to the area? See the Residential Waste Service Guide for a quick summary of bin and bulky waste services.

The standard bins for a rateable single-unit dwelling are 1 x 120L general waste bin, 1 x 240L recycle bin and 1 x 240L garden organics bin.
Check your property's bin allocation, by visiting the Waste Portal or call the Waste Hotline on 1800 079 390.
Disclaimer: The Waste Portal provides an indicative allocation of waste bins to properties. While every effort has been made to ensure the portal’s accuracy, Georges River Council cannot guarantee it is free from errors or omissions between updates. For the most accurate information, property owners are encouraged to inspect their on-site waste bins and verify the details against the waste charges listed on their rates notice.
I want to change my bin services (additional or cancel bins)
To request new or additional bins or to cancel bin services, complete the waste services application form below.
Waste Services Application Form
Please note:
Only the property owner or a managing agent on behalf of the owner can submit this form. (Fees and Charges apply). Tenants must request waste services through their managing agent.
For multi-unit developments go to the Multi-Unit Development Waste Application on the Strata Managers and Unit Development page.
For commercial properties go to the Commercial Waste Services page for more information.
Common questions: waste fees and charges
>What are the Fees and Charges for Domestic Waste Services?
Council’s Fees and Charges are adopted each financial year by Council. The fees and charges for 2024/2025 relating to waste services are highlighted as follows:
Domestic waste management service
Standard Waste Management Charge |
$613.00 |
1 x 120L general waste bin, 1 x 240L recycling bin + 1 x 240L garden organics bin
Additional Volume Domestic Waste Management Charge |
$797.00 |
1 x 240L general waste bin, 1 x 240L recycling bin + 1 x 240L garden organics bin
Extra general waste bin service (120L) |
$195.00 |
Extra general waste bin service (240L) |
$391.00 |
Change of service ( bins) Administration Fee |
$23.50 |
Extra recycling bin service (240L) |
$138.00 |
Extra garden organics bin service (240L) |
$184.00 |
Availability charge (dwelling with private domestic waste contractor) |
$84.00 |
Availability charge (dwelling with cancelled bin service) |
$84.00 |
Fees and Charges are issued by Council (under the
Local Government Act 1993) relevant to the waste management services requested or utilised at any given property.
>What are the Domestic Waste Management Charges?
All rateable residential properties in the Local Government Area must pay a domestic waste management charge set by the Council under the Local Government Act 1993.
The waste charge includes but is not limited to:
>Why have my waste charges increased?
The new waste contract is delivering services during the 2024/2025 financial year. It will be at an increased cost to Council, but a better community service is expected as a result. There are a number of benefits as follows:
Bin collection days expanded from three days per week to five days per week.
Bin collections have been standardised across the former Kogarah and Hurstville council areas.
Illegally dumped waste will be collected within 4 hours and 2 days of notification.
In summer, public litter bins will be emptied more frequently when parks are busier.
New collection trucks with advanced safety features will reduce missed bin collections.
Missed bin collections will now be fixed within 1-2 days, instead of up to 7 days as before.
Common questions: bin collection
>How do I ensure my bins are collected?
Place your bin(s) on the kerbside no earlier than the night before the collection day. Return your bin(s) to your property as soon as possible after collection.
The bin lid opening must face the street.
Ensure your bin(s) are at least:
1 metre away from parked cars, poles or trees.
3 metres clear from overhead lines or wires.
30 centimetres apart from the next bin.
Keep bin lid(s) closed.
Bins must not contain incorrect items (contamination).
Two wheeled bins must weigh under 70kg.
Note: By not adhering to these requirements, you risk non-collection.
Bin placement to ensure collection
>What time should my bins be collected?
Waste collection services start from 6.00am in most of the Georges River Local Government Area and will be complete by 6.00pm.
Some streets have earlier collections between 4.00am - 6.00am to ensure the safety of waste collection staff.
Waste collection services are essential services and meet specific safety guidelines. Early starts prior to 6.00am may be to avoid:
Heavy traffic.
Construction activities.
School zones.
Reverse beeping or an equivalent warning system is compulsory under Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
>Are bins collected on Public Holidays?
Bins are still collected on Public Holidays.
Waste collection vehicles may start their collections earlier due to limited trading hours at resource recovery facilities and disposal sites.
>Bin collection delays in extreme weather events
In instances of extreme weather such as high winds, very heavy rain or during a natural disaster, there may be delays in waste collection services. If it is safe to do so, please leave bins on the kerbside until they are collected.
Please note that high winds may cause bins or waste to be blown. In these instances, ensure bin lids are closed and remove bins from the kerbside as soon as collection has occurred.
What goes in my bin and where does it go?
Click the tabs below to find out what goes into each bin, download posters and find where our waste goes.
For strata or building managers that require printed bin area signage go to the Strata Managers and Unit Development page.
For extra waste reduction and recycling tips go to our Reduce, Reuse, Recycle page.
Common questions: bin contents
>What goes in my general waste bin?
Only the following items can be placed in your general waste bin:
Soft plastics, plastic bags, cling wrap, plastic wrappers, bubble wrap.
Food scraps.
Polystyrene and foam.
Broken glass (wrapped in paper).
Nappies and sanitary products.
Pet waste.
Clothing or shoes if unable to donate or upcycle.
Other small household items such as toys (no batteries), stationery, decorations, kitchenware etc.
Still unsure? Check out Recycle Mate to search through over 7000 plus item or our A-Z Recycling Guide.
>What goes in my recycling bin?
Only the following items can be placed in your recycling bin: 
Paper and Cardboard
Paper (not shredded, not tissues and wipes) such as: envelopes, pamphlets, office paper, magazines, newspapers, wrapping paper (not foil, glitter or plastic-coated).
Cardboard (empty, no soft plastic film or coating) such as: cereal boxes (remove plastic bag), egg cartons, empty pizza boxes, cardboard packaging or boxes (flatten), toilet rolls (roll only).
Rigid Plastic Packaging
Rigid plastic bottles (empty) such as: soft drink, water, milk (leave lids on), shampoo, detergent and cleaning product bottles.
Rigid plastic containers (empty) such as: margarine, yoghurt, ice cream and food tubs, meat trays (not foam) and fruit punnets.
Glass Bottles and Jars
Glass food and beverage bottles (empty) such as: oil, vinegar, wine, beer and soft drink (leave lids on).
Glass food jars (empty) such as: sauce, condiment, spreads, spice, pickle and jam jars.
Aluminium and Steel Packaging
Steel packaging (empty) such as: food or drink tins and cans like tuna tins, vegetable cans, biscuit tins, milk formula tins.
Aluminium and steel aerosol spray cans (empty) such as: spray cooking oil, deodorant spray, air freshener, bug and hair spray (no compressed gas canisters such as propane, butane or nitrous oxide).
Aluminium packaging (empty) such as: drink cans, foil trays and aluminium foil (scrunched into balls).
Still unsure? Check out Recycle Mate to search through over 7000 plus item or our A-Z Recycling Guide.
>What goes in my garden organics bin?
Only the following items can be placed in the garden organics bin:
>Where does my waste go?
>Why have I received a tag on my bin?
The green tags indicate that the bin contains the correct items. 
The red bin tags indicate that incorrect items were found in the recycling or garden organics bin. The tag will provide information on what incorrect item was found. The tags are for educational purposes only to help residents identify what items can and cannot be placed into each bin.
For more information on what is accepted into each bin see the What goes in my bin tabs above. If the item is not accepted in kerbside bins, see the A-Z Recycling Guide for other reuse, recycling or disposal options.
If you would like to request further assistance regarding bin contamination and the bin tagging program, you can lodge a “Bin - contamination and inspection” request on Log It/Fix It.
Thank you for your feedback.