E-Waste Drop Off is an event which allows residents of the Georges River area to drop off their unwanted e-waste for free.
Additional non E-Waste items are now also accepted for recycling at E-Waste events (see full list below for further details).
When is the E-Waste Drop Off?
Sunday 11 May2025
Mortdale Depot - Depot Road, Mortdale
9.00am - 3.30pm
Please note: No items will be accepted at the depot prior to these dates, placing items on public land without permission is Illegal Dumping and can attract significant fines.
Accepted and unaccepted types of waste
Frequently Asked Questions
>I've missed a E-waste Drop Off. Where else can I recycle E-waste?
You can find regular updates on the next events on Council's
What's On page and social media.
Alternatively, view the
A - Z Recycling Guide page for information on options which are available throughout the year.
The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS), funded by the Australian government also offers free recycling for televisions, computers and computer peripherals to households. Read more about
how to access this scheme and where to find approved collectors.
>How do I organise my items for the E-Waste and Extras Drop Off?
To help make the day run smoothly, please:
Check the accepted and unaccepted items list before the day.
Bundle and neatly place your accepted items preferably in the boot of your car or ute tray away from passengers.
Keep like-items bundled or boxed together where possible.
Avoid placing accepted items you want to keep in your vehicle, leave them at home.
Items not accepted will be returned to the vehicle.
>Where does my E-Waste go?
E-Waste contractors Ace Recycling remove the items from Council's drop off locations and transport them to their recycle and recovery facilities for processing.
This diverts hazardous material away from landfill and enables the valuable resources contained in E-Waste to be recovered and reused.
Thank you for your feedback.