The Common (Indian) Myna (Acridotheres tristis) is widespread throughout eastern Australia.
First introduced in 1862 from southern Asia as a way to control crop pests, they have since become a pest due to their territorial behaviour and competition for nest hollows. However, there is a lack of evidence for their observed environmental impact. Their noise and odour is a source of complaint in urban areas.
In Georges River, the Common Myna is found throughout our urban centres including Hurstville and Kogarah, but is not as common as the native Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala). The Common Myna is often confused with the Noisy Miner, with the latter being more aggressive and territorial resulting in a proven threat to other native species. Aggressive exclusion of birds from potential woodland and forest habitat by over-abundant noisy miners was listed as a Key Threatening Process by the NSW Department of Environment in 2014.
The Common Myna is distinguished from the Noisy Miner by the following features:
- a brown body
- a glossy black head, neck and upper breast
- distinctive white patches on their wings that are clearly visible in flight.
The native Noisy Miner has a much lighter brown body and exhibits swooping behaviours.
Common (Indian) Myna |
Noisy Miner
What is Council Doing?
Council's Environmental Sustainability and Waste team has prepared this Common Myna Factsheet to educate the community on the Common Myna, including tips for identification and preventing impacts. This factsheet will be distributed at Council libraries and facilities. Council also contracts Common Myna control around public buildings through a licensed feral animal control contractor.
How Can You Help?
Consider the following tips to prevent Common Mynas from impacting your property.
- Don’t leave pet food outside
- Don’t feed any birds as this can also attract Indian Mynas
- Seal all garbage bins
- Encourage smaller native birds by reading our Backyard Biodiversity Guide and planting locally native plants
- Fix holes in your roof and eaves, or cover them so birds can’t nest in your home
- Keep an eye on upcoming Bushcare and environmental workshops through What's On.
You can read more about the Common Myna on the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions PestSmart website.
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