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Amendments to Hurstville LEP 2012
A Local Environmental Plan (LEP) is a legal document which controls land use and development in a local government area. A LEP contains information such as land use zones, building heights, heritage items and local conditions, such as landscaping.

Prior to 8 October 2021, the Hurstville LEP (HLEP) 2012 had applied to the Hurstville, Mortdale and Peakhurst Wards. 

The following is a list of amendments to the HLEP 2012:

Amendment No.



Date Made

1 Added new zoning, building heights, floor space ratio (FSR) and lot size controls. Former Canterbury local government area (LGA) lands in Kingsgrove and Beverly Hills near the M5 motorway moved to the former Hurstville LGA (boundary adjustment). 13 September 2013
2 Added 31 new heritage items and removed two existing heritage items from the Heritage list (Schedule 5). Former Hurstville LGA 4 April 2014
  • Added new zoning, building heights, FSR and other mapped controls; and
  • Added new controls for land identified as ‘deferred matters’ (i.e. Hurstville Civic Precinct, Treacy Street car park and the Westfield site).
Hurstville City Centre 10 July 2015
4 Corrected inconsistencies in the mapped controls adopted in Hurstville LEP 2012 (Amendment No. 3). 4-6 Dora Street, Hurstville 24 July 2015
5 Included zones B3 Commercial Core and B4 Mixed Use in Clause 6.6 (Active street frontages) to ensure consistency with the B2 Local Centre zone on the Active Street Frontages Maps. Land zoned B3 Commercial Core and B4 Mixed Use 2 October 2015
6 Removed Hurstville City Museum and Gallery from the Heritage List (Schedule 5), as this site is a deferred matter and the Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 applies. 14 MacMahon Street, Hurstville (Hurstville City Museum and Gallery) 18 December 2015
7 Increased the maximum building height from:
  • 23m to 30m for the north-eastern portion of the site (Building X);
  • 40m to 65m (Building F); and
  • 60m to 65m (Building E) for the south-eastern portion of the site.
Increased the maximum FSR for the entire site from 2.5:1 to 3.5:1.
93-103 Forest Road, Hurstville (‘East Quarter’) 5 May 2017
  • Changed the zone from R2 Low Density Residential to SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishment); and
  • Removed the maximum building height, maximum FSR and minimum lot size controls (in accordance with SP2 Infrastructure zoned land).
80 Park Road and 83 The Avenue, Hurstville (Danebank School)
30 September 2016
  • Renamed Clause 4.4A (Exceptions to floor space ratios) to “Non-residential floor space ratios”;
  • Inserted an objective reflecting the purpose of the clause – to encourage an appropriate mix of residential and non-residential uses to promote employment; and
  • Reduced the amount of non-residential floor space required from 0.5:1 to 0.3:1.
Amended Clause 6.6 (Active street frontages) so that buildings with ‘medical centres’ on the ground floor are also considered to have an active street frontage.
Land zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre and B2 Local Centre 17 November 2017
  • Rezoned from R2 Low Density Residential to SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishments); and
  • Removed the maximum building height, maximum FSR and minimum lot size controls (in accordance with SP2 Infrastructure zoned land).
87-89 The Avenue, Hurstville (Danebank School)

10 February 2017
11 Reclassified the subject land from community land to operational land under the Local Government Act 1993.

The aim of the reclassification was to provide greater options for the previously isolated and unusable parcel of land; including its disposal to an adjoining residential property. The subject land is zoned R2 Low Density Residential and no changes to the land zoning or development controls were proposed.
34 Coreen Avenue, Peakhurst (part of) 29 September 2017
  • Amended the maximum building height from 40m to 50m;
  • Amended the maximum FSR from 4.5:1 to 5.5:1; and
  • Included a minimum non-residential FSR of 0.5:1.
29-31 MacMahon Street, Hurstville 16 March 2018
  • Rezoned 108 and 112 Forest Road from B2 Local Centre to B4 Mixed Use and 1 and 3 Wright Street from R3 Medium Density Residential to B4 Mixed Use;
  • Increased the maximum building height for 108 and 112 Forest Road and 1 and 3 Wright Street to 34.5m and 124 Forest Road to 46.5m;
  • Increased the maximum FSR for 108 and 112 Forest Road and 1 and 3 Wright Street to 4:1;
  • Removed the lot size control for 1 and 3 Wright Street, consistent with the B4 Mixed Use zone; and
  • Included a minimum non-residential floor space of 0.5:1.
108, 112 and 124 Forest Road and 1 and 3 Wright Street, Hurstville (Bing Lee site) 28 February 2019
  • Rezoned the site from SP2 Infrastructure (Church) to R2 Low Density Residential;
  • Included a maximum building height of 9m;
  • Included a maximum FSR of 1:1;
  • Included a minimum lot size of 450sqm; and
  • Amended Schedule 1 (Additional Permitted Uses) to permit with development consent office premises, and restaurant or café.
12 and 14 Pindari Road, Peakhurst Heights 1 February 2019
15 Known as the Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code Planning Proposal:
  • Prohibited villas, townhouses, multi dwelling housing (terraces) and manor houses in the R2 Low Density Residential zone so that they cannot be built in the zone through a development application or through complying development under the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code;
  • As a consequence of the above, deleted Clause 4.1A(3) which states the minimum lot size required for multi dwelling housing in the R2 zone; and
  • Increased the minimum lot size for dual occupancies under Area G of HLEP 2012 (630sqm) so that it mirrors the minimum lot size for dual occupancies under Area O of KLEP 2012 (650sqm).
Land zoned R2 Low Density Residential and R3 Medium Density Residential 6 December 2019
  • Rezoned 61-73 Forest Road, 108-126 Durham Street and 9 Roberts Lane from IN2 Light Industrial to B4 Mixed Use;
  • Rezoned 53 Forest Road from R2 Low Density Residential to B4 Mixed Use;
  • Increased the FSR from 0.6:1 (R2 zone) and 1:1 (IN2 zone) to 2:1 along Roberts Lane and up to 3.5:1 for the remainder of the site (including a minimum non-residential FSR of 0.5:1);
  • Increased the maximum building height from 9m (R2 zone) and 10m (IN2 zone) to a range of heights being 12m, 15m, 21m, 28m, 30m, 40m and 65m;
  • Amended the Active Street Frontages Map to apply active street frontages along the Forest Road and Durham Street frontages of the Precinct; and
  • Applied a bonus FSR incentive of up to 7,023sqm for the purpose of hotel or motel accommodation at the corner of Forest Road and Durham Street.
53-75 Forest Road, 108-126 Durham Street and 9 Roberts Lane, Hurstville (Landmark Square Precinct) 7 August 2020
  • Amended Schedule 1 (Additional Permitted Uses) to permit with development consent retail premises, and centre-based child care facilities.
No changes to the land zoning or development controls were proposed.
84D Roberts Avenue, Mortdale 27 September 2019
  • Increasing the maximum building height from 23m to a range of heights being 23m, 30m, 40m, 55m and 60m; and
  • Increasing the Floor Space Ratio from 3:1 to 4:1 (including a minimum non-residential FSR of 0.5:1).
9 Gloucester Road, Hurstville 12 February 2021
19 Reclassified Lot 2 DP 1200178 and part of Lot 1 DP 1200178 at Taylors Reserve, Lugarno from community land to operational land under the Local Government Act 1993.

The purpose of the reclassification is to facilitate the creation of an accessway and create an appropriate statutory framework which best reflects the on-ground situation in terms of public and private access to, and use of, the land.

The subject land is zoned RE1 Public Recreation and no changes to the land zoning or development controls were proposed.
Taylors Reserve, Lugarno 19 March 2021

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