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Information for Artists


Prize categories




Georges River Art Prize
(painting prize)

$10,000.00 acquisitive

Open to all Australian permanent residents and citizens for paintings. Artists must be 18 years or over on the date of entry.

Georges River
Sculpture Prize


Open to all Australian permanent residents and citizens for sculptural work. Artists must be 18 years or over on the date of entry.

Georges River
Local Artist Prize

$4,000.00 acquisitive
and a solo exhibition
(in-kind value approximately $200.00)

Entrants who enter the Georges River Art Prize (painting prize) and live in the Georges River Council Local Government Area are eligible to be considered for this prize.

Georges River
Little Artist Prize

$200.00 materials voucher

(7 - 12 years of age)
Entrants must live or study in the Georges River Council Local Government Area.

Georges River
Youth Prize

$300.00 materials voucher

(13 - 17 years of age)
Entrants must live or study in the Georges River Council Local Government Area.

Georges River
People’s Choice Prize


Entrants in the Georges River Art Prize and Georges River Sculpture Prize are also eligible to win the Georges River People's Choice Prize.

Georges River
Favourite Young Artist Prize


Entrants in the Georges River Little Artist Prize and Georges River Youth Prize are also eligible to win the Georges River Favourite Young Artist Prize.


Terms and Conditions

Please view the Georges River Art Prize Terms and Conditions 2025.

Image: Matjam roost on Dharawal Country by Virginia Keft on display in the Georges River Art Prize 2023 exhibition.

More information

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