Find information relating to the improve waste collection services and upcoming changes.
Bin collection days are changing from Sunday 2 March 2025
No changes will occur before Sunday 2 March 2025.
Commencing from Sunday 2 March 2025, bin collection days will expand in the Local Government Area from 3 to 5 days per week .
All residents with individual Council bin services will receive a letter and/or bin sticker between January and February 2025 confirming their new bin collection dates, even if there is no change.
Strata and property managers will be contacted regarding new bin collection days in multi-unit dwellings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bin Collection Day Changes

>When will my bin day change?
Your bin collection day may change from Sunday 2 March 2025.
>Why have my bin collection days changed?
We’re making updates to bin collection days from Sunday 2 March 2025 as part of the improved waste services. The majority of households in the Georges River area will be impacted with some form of change.
Collection days are expanding: Bin collections will take place over five days instead of three within the Local Government Area.
Council currently undertakes collections at residential and commercial properties on either Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s or Friday’s. Commencing Sunday 2 March 2025, Council will have waste collection vehicles collecting bins on 5 days a week – Monday through to Friday.
Schedules will change: Your collection day may change to fit the improved systems.
We’re standardising bin collections across the former Hurstville and Kogarah council areas to make better use of resources including a fleet of new collection vehicles.
Why this is happening: These changes will improve waste collection, making it more efficient and reliable for everyone in the community. This includes a commitment to reducing wait times for missed bin collection services to 1-2 days of notification.
We’ll keep you informed: You’ll receive a letter and a reminder sticker with your new collection day. Additional reminders will be shared via social media and other channels. Strata and property managers will also receive multiple notifications and resources to support this transition period.
>How do I find out if my bin collection day has changed?
You can check your current and new bin collection days by searching your address on the Bin Day Finders found in the link below.
My Bin Collection Days
Alternatively, you can await for the letter confirming your new bin day which is being delivered throughout January to February 2025 in the Georges River area.
>I have not received or misplaced my bin day change letter.
Council will be delivering letters for properties with individual bin services throughout the Georges River area in January and February 2025.
If you have not received or misplaced you bin day change letter you can check your current bin collection new bin collection days any time by searching your address on the Bin Day Finders in the link below.
My Bin Collection Days
For multi-unit dwellings with shared bin services you can check the link above or refer to your Strata or property manager.
>What bins do I place out for the bin day change?
Before Sunday 2 March.
First week of new bin days, from Sunday 2 March - Sunday 9 March.
All three bins: general waste (red-lid), recycling (yellow-lid) and garden organics (green-lid) should be placed out the night before your new bin collection day.
This is a one-off additional service collecting all three bins in the same week, to support the alignment of new collection zones.
Please note: Bins may be collected on different days during the first week due to the additional nature of the one-off service. Please leave bins out on the kerbside until emptied.
After Sunday 9 March.
New bin collection days will continue and bins will be collected on a regular schedule.
You can review your bin collection days any time using the link below.
My Bin Collection Days
If you are unsure of which bins to place out, you can also place all three bins the night before your collection and only the bins scheduled for that week will be collected.
>I have received a wrong day tag on my bin. What do I do?
During the weeks following the bin day change, council officers will be conducting additional checks to ensure residents are adjusting to their bin collection day change.
Council officers may leave reminder tags to notify residents that they have either presented their bin on the wrong day of the week or placed the wrong coloured bin out that is not scheduled for collection, for that week.
My Bin Collection Days
Please note: if a property fails to comply with bin placement guidelines on an ongoing, frequent or repeated basis, bins may not be emptied.
>My bin collection day has changed, and my bin wasn't emptied.
Collections can occur anytime between 6.00am and 6.00pm. Please leave your bins on the kerbside during this period.
If your bin has still not be collected after this period, you can log a missed collection service through the link below.
Need help? Log your service requests online using Log It / Fix It or call the Waste Hotline on 1800 079 390.
Note: Sunday 2 March to Sunday 9 March - First week of new bin collection days.
A one-off additional service, collecting all three bins: general waste (red-lid), recycling (yellow-lid) and garden organics (green-lid) in the same week will be occurring.
Bins may be collected on different days during the week due to the additional nature of the one-off service. Please leave bins out on the kerbside until emptied during this adjustment period. General waste bins will be prioritised.
If you noted that multiple garden organics or recycling bins (i.e. the street) has yet to be collected please refrain from logging a missed service until 72 hours after your new bin collection day, as vehicles are scheduled to return for the additional service.
If you noted general waste bin(s) have been missed you can log your missed service request as usual using Log It / Fix It.
If you noted that only your individual bin(s) have been missed and the rest of street has been collected as scheduled. Please check and confirm your bin collection day on the My Bin Collection Days page before placing a request on Log It / Fix It.
Bin Replacement Program

>What bins will be replaced?
The bin replacement program will see current Council-issued mobile bins (red-lidded general waste, yellow-lidded recycling and green-lidded garden organics bins) removed, and new replacement bins delivered. The bins delivered will largely be the same, in that they will still be a red lidded general bins, yellow lidded recycling and green lidded garden organics bins. The bin bodies on the new bins will be black as they contain recycled content.
The number and size of the new bins delivered will be consistent with the Fees and Charges being paid for by each property, through the Rates Account.
>Who's bins will be getting replaced?
All rateable residential, commercial, or non-rateable properties currently entitled to bins under their Council waste collection service will have their bins replaced.
If one or more of your current bins already have a black bin body, they will still be replaced. The number and size of the new bins delivered will be consistent with the Fees and Charges being paid for by each property, through the Rates Account.
>When are new bins being delivered?
The bin replacement program will occur across the Georges River from late March to July 2025.
Residents using Council’s Waste Service will receive an information flyer in their letter boxes about 2–6 weeks before the delivery of new bins in their street.
Specific instruction tags will be attached to the newly delivered bins. These will provide the community with specific information about how and when their old bins will be removed.
>Why are bins being replaced?
Key Objectives of the Bin Replacement Program:
Remove ageing bins that are prone to damage. The average lifespan of a bin is approximately 7 years.
Improve efficiency by replacing bins in bulk, reducing the need for ongoing maintenance of ageing bins.
Ensure consistency across Georges River by providing standard-sized bins with matching parts, correct logos, clear education signage (on the bin lid) and made from recycled content.
The number and size of the new bins delivered will be consistent with the Fees and Charges being paid for by each property through the Rates Account, ensuring a fair and consistent service across the local government area.
Features of the New Bins:
All bins will feature a consistent Georges River Council logo.
Educational messaging will be stamped on bin lids to reflect the services provided and ensure the community put the correct item in the correct bin.
The new bins are made from up to 80% recycled materials. The bin bodies will be black in colour.
Bin sizes will be stamped under the lid, on the bin lip for two-wheeled bins, to assist the community with understanding their bin sizes.
Each bin will have an address sticker on the side, linked to its serial number. This will help residents identify their bin upon delivery and in the long-term, preventing lost or stolen bins.
>How will the bin replacement or swap work?
The bin replacement process will take place in stages during late March to July 2025. Keep an eye out for information in your letterbox.

Information flyers in letterboxes will be provided to properties utilising Council’s Waste Services in the 2-6 weeks before delivery of new bins.
Specific instruction bin tags will be attached the newly delivered bins with instructions for how and when old bins will be removed.
Single-unit dwellings or units with individual bin services
Below is a summary of the stages of the bin replacement program at single-unit dwellings or units with individual bin services. Click the links to find out more:
Information flyers delivered. About 2–6 weeks before new bins are delivered, residents will receive a notification flyer in their letterbox.
New bins delivered. New bins will be delivered to the kerbside next to your property. New bins have specific instruction tags attached and an address sticker on the side of the bin to help residents correctly identify their new bins.
Old bins emptied and removed. Old bins should be placed on the kerbside the night before your bin collection day, over the next fortnight (after your new bins are delivered). Each time old bins are emptied, leave the old bins on the kerbside and don’t use them! They will be removed in the following 1-3 days. Start using your new bins once the old ones are removed.
Back to Normal. Old bins will all be removed and residents will continue to use their new bins (black bin bodies).
Commercial bin services
Below is a summary of the stages of the bin replacement program at properties with commercial waste services. Click the links to find out more:
Information flyers delivered. About 2–6 weeks before new bins are delivered, businesses will receive a notification flyer in their letterbox.
New bins delivered. New bins will be delivered to the kerbside next to your business. New bins have specific instruction tags attached and an address sticker on the side of the bin to help businesses correctly identify their new bins.
Old bins emptied and removed. Old bins should be placed on the kerbside the night before your usual bin collection day. Each time old bins are emptied, leave the old bins on the kerbside and don’t use them! They will be removed in the following 1-3 days. Start using your new bins once the old ones are removed.
Back to Normal. Old bins will all be removed and businesses will continue to use their new bins (black bin bodies).
Multi-unit developments with shared bin services
If you live in multi-unit dwelling with shared bin services, the strata or property manager will receive notification prior to the bin replacements occurring at your property.
New bins delivered. New bins will be delivered to the property a day before or on the day that bins are usually emptied. New bins should be placed onto private property, or if there is limited on-site storage, bins may be placed as close as possible to the property boundary. The size and number of new bins delivered will reflect the standard waste allocation for that property inline the bin collection schedule.
Old bins emptied and removed. All old bins should be presented to be emptied, and then left on the kerbside to be removed, this will occur on the day of bin collection or 1-2 days after. Old bins should not be placed back onto private property following the delivery of new bins – they need to be made available for removal. Old bins will not be serviced in the weeks following the bin replacement program.
Back to Normal. Old bins removed and replaced with all new bins.
Strata Managers may need to notify cleaners or maintenance staff of the bin replacement program. If the property is on a Wheel Out Wheel Back service provided by Council’s Waste Collection Contractor, this will be performed by staff.
>When do I start using my new bins?
Start using your new bins once the old bins are emptied, left on the kerbside and removed.
>What happens to the old bins?
The old or existing bins will be removed and used to make the new bins (black bin body). It is important that all old bins are presented by the community, so they can be used to manufacture the new bins.
>Are there going to be changes in what I can put into the new bins?
No. The items accepted in each waste stream will remain the same. The new bins (black bin body) will have bin lids stamped with education to reflect the services provided.
For more information see our
Bin Services webpage to see what can go in the red-lidded general waste, yellow-lidded recycling and green-lidded garden organics bins or our
A-Z recycling guide.
>Can I opt-out of the bin replacement?
No, this is a Council-wide initiative.
The replacement program for maximum efficiency of bulk deliveries will replace all your current bins, even if they’re not that old, as this will help reduce maintenance costs in the long run.
Newly delivered bins will have address stickers and serial numbers associated with the address. Bins that don't have this information will not be collected after the bin replacement program, so don't keep them!
>I missed removing of old bins or delivery of the new bins. What do I do?
Missed removal of old bins
If you still have any old bins two weeks after receiving your new bins, please place any remaining empty old bins on the kerbside for removal (upside down if possible) during the third week. Additional street sweeps will be conducted to recover old bins.
If your old bins remain for four or more weeks after the initial new bin delivery, please contact the Waste Hotline on 1800 079 390 and place the empty bins on the kerbside (upside down if possible) for removal usually within 1-3 business days. Please note delays may occur due to the high volume of bin deliveries and removals across Georges River during the replacement program.
If you have no available kerbside space and must place the bins on the footpath, please let the Waste Hotline know when you call, so as to prioritise the bin removal. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition.
Missed delivery of new bins
The bin replacement program will run from March - July 2025. Please contact the Waste Hotline on 1800 079 390 to confirm if your new bins were delivered, or for any assistance.
>What bins will I receive?
New bins will be delivered that reflect the bin entitlements and Fees and Charges levied upon the Rates Account for each property. If you receive bins that do not match your bin entitlements please see the 'I think I have been delivered the wrong size or number of bins. What do I do?' tab.
Single unit dwellings and multi-unit dwellings with individual bin services
For single-unit properties, with a standard domestic waste charge you will receive the following as standard. For more information see the Bin Services webpage.
Standard Bin Entitlement
Collection Frequency
1x120L red-lidded general waste bin
1x240L yellow-lidded recycling bin
(alternate week to garden organics)
1x240L green-lidded garden organics bin
(alternate week to recycling)
Multi-Unit Dwellings (shared bin services)
For multi-unit dwellings with shared bin services. The new bins delivered will be based on a limit of 120L of general waste and 120L of recycling waste per dwelling or unit per week. This is the same standard bin allocation that remains throughout the Georges River area.
For more information see the Strata and Unit Development webpage.
Commercial properties
The number and type of Council bin(s) allocated to commercial properties are inline with the Commercial Waste Fees and Charges paid through the property Rates Account. If you require changes to Council bin services please consult the Property Owner or Property Manager, who can request a change to the Fees & Charges (more or less bins).
For more information see the Commercial Waste Service webpage.
>I think I have been delivered the wrong size or number of bins. What do I do?
Single-unit dwellings and multi-unit dwellings with individual bin services
Check Around Your Property: Make sure to look around the delivery point for your new bins.
Compare with Your Rates Notice: Check the new bins on-site and compare them with the waste charge details on your rates notice. If you're a tenant, please contact the Owner or Managing Agent to confirm your waste services. For more information on bin allocations and residential waste charges, visit the Bin Services page.
Request Changes if Needed: If the new bins delivered don't match your waste charge details and you need changes to your bin allocation (additional, change, or cancellation of new bins), the Owner or Managing Agent can complete the Waste Services Application Form.
Commercial properties
Repeat instructions as above for single-unit dwellings. For more information on bin allocations and commercial waste charges, visit the Commercial Waste Services page.
Multi-unit dwellings developments with shared bin services
You might notice that the size or number of shared bins delivered is different from what you had before. This is because the bin replacement program is aligning waste services to a standard rate of 120L for general waste and 120L for recycling per unit per week, which is the standard throughout Georges River.
Shared bin services are collected more frequently (as below) following bin day and schedule changes that commenced following Sunday 2 March 2025.
Waste Stream |
Available Bin Size* |
Service Frequency
(after 2 March 25) |
General Waste |
240L, 660L, 1100L |
Twice Weekly |
Recycling |
240L, 660L, 1100L |
Twice Weekly |
Garden Organics |
240L |
Weekly |
*Number and size of bins provided based on conversion of waste generation rate of 120L of general waste and 120L of recycling per unit and suitability to store and transport specific size bins on-site.
For most multi-unit developments with under 30 units, the ratio of standard ratio of shared 240L bins are:
Waste Stream |
Standard Bin Ratio |
General Waste |
1x 240L bin per 4 units*
*Site with no on-site general waste compaction. |
Recycling |
1x 240L bin per 4 units |
For more information on bin service category and bin allocations refer to the Strata Managers and Unit Development page.
Waste Service Changes - General Enquiries
>Why is the waste service changing?
A new waste collection service is being implemented during 2024/25. This is the first update since 2007 (for the former Kogarah council area) and 2009 (for the former Hurstville council area).
This new contract represents a proactive step towards enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management operations, reflecting the Council's commitment to meeting the evolving needs of its residents while finding the best possible solutions for waste management within the community.
>Who is going to be affected waste service changes?
The improved waste collection services affects everyone in Georges River community in some way, even if you are not on a Council bin service.
Bin collection day and service changes will specifically impact all rateable residential, non-rateable or commercial properties with Council waste service charges.
Council's waste services includes but is not limited to:
>What is a waste service charge?
All rateable residential properties in the Local Government Area must pay a domestic waste management charge set by the Council under the Local Government Act 1993. For more information see our Bin Services page.
The waste charge includes but is not limited to:
Commercial properties are not automatically provided Council bin services. Bin services are paid for through a commercial rates account with Georges River Council. See the Commercial Waste Services page for more details.
>Why have the waste fees and charges increased ?
The new waste contract is delivering services during the 2024/25 financial year. It will be at an increased cost to Council, but a better community service is expected as a result. There are a number of benefits as follows:
Bin collection days expanded from three days per week to five days per week.
Bin collections have been standardised across the former Kogarah and Hurstville council areas.
Illegally dumped waste will be collected within 4 hours and 2 days of notification.
In summer, public litter bins will be emptied more frequently when parks are busier.
New collection trucks with advanced safety features will reduce missed bin collections.
Missed bin collections will now be fixed within 1-2 days, instead of up to 7 days as before.
>Who is the waste service provider for Georges River Council?
Georges River Council’s waste collection services include:
Bin emptying.
Bin repairs, replacements and deliveries.
Bulky waste collections.
Illegal dumping collections.
Public litter bin services.
These are delivered by Veolia on behalf of Council.
You can log your service requests online using Log It / Fix It or call the Waste Hotline on 1800 079 390.
>What are the waste service changes that I might notice?
Improved waste collection services will be implemented during 2024/2025.
There will be changes that will require residents direct action.
Below is a summary of changes ahead or that have already been implemented. More specific questions can be answers can be found in the other sections of the Frequently Asked Questions tabs updated within the page.
Bin Collection Day Changes
All rateable residential and commercial properties throughout the Georges River Council area that are paying for a Council bin services as part of their waste charges.
Bin collection days expanded from three days per week to five days per week. Bin collection frequencies and services aligned for multi-unit dwellings across former Hurstville and Kogarah.
Starting 2 March 2025.
Throughout Georges River Council Area.
Improve and increase efficiency and service times.
Bin Replacement Program
All rateable residential and commercial properties throughout the Georges River Council area that are paying for a Council bin services as part of their waste charges.
The bin replacement program will remove all old mobile bins (red, yellow and green-lidded) and will be replaced with new ones.
Starting late March 2025 - July 2025.
Throughout Georges River Council Area. Further communications to be delivered in the weeks prior to the delivery of new bins. New bins will also have instructions attached.
Ensure standardised bin stock throughout the local government area - consistently sized, feature correct logo and signage.
Bulky Waste Collection System Changes
All rateable residential properties throughout the Georges River Council area eligible for bulky waste collection.
System upgrades to bulky waste booking portal, change in the bulky waste collection zones to five days.
Additional features progressively being added to booking portal including:
SMS reminder prior to collection date.
Cancellation feature for bulky waste collection on the online portal.
Availability to book up to 10 week in advance for single-unit dwellings.
Additional authentication features for bookings by strata or property managers of multi-unit dwellings.
Majority completed December 2024 - March 2025.
Minor improvements to be tested and reviewed.
Throughout Georges River Council Area.
Improve and increase efficiency of bulky waste collections and improve customer experience with new bulky waste booking portal features.
Service Deliverables, Safety and Systems
Other changes implemented in 2024/2025:
New collection trucks with advanced safety features will reduce missed bin collections.
Illegally dumped waste will be collected within 4 hours and 2 days of notification.
In summer, public litter bins will be emptied more frequently when parks are busier.
Missed bin collections will now be fixed within 1-2 days, instead of up to 7 days as before.
Report a missed collection or a damaged, lost or stolen bin
The way you log waste service requests will remain the same. For all service requests including bin collection, bin repair and replacements.
Log your service requests online using Log It / Fix It or call the Waste Hotline on 1800 079 390.
Further enquiries
Can't find the answer to your question above or require further assistance, please contact us at Include the following subject line "Waste - Waste Service Changes enquiry".
Thank you for your feedback.