What is a Skin Penetration Premises?
The Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 regulate body decorating and grooming practices carried out by people who are not registered as health professionals. The regulated body decorating, and grooming industries include:
- Permanent or semi-permanent makeup (cosmetic tattooing)
- Ear-piercing and other skin penetration services
- Cosmetic enhancements
- Dry needling
- Nail treatments (manicure, pedicure, cuticle cutting)
- Epilation by electrolysis or wax
- Colonic lavage
- Body, nose and ear piercing
- Micro-blading
- Tattooing
- Micro-dermabrasion
- Any other services that involve skin penetration (e.g. beauty treatment that involves the deliberate penetration of skin)
Please note: laser hair removals, massage parlours, hairdressers, and barbers are not considered skin penetration activities and are not regulated under the Public Health Act 2010 or Public Health Regulation 2012.
In addition, beauty salons that do not carry out skin penetration activities are not regulated under the Public Health Act and Regulation. These beauty salons along with hairdressers and barbers are regulated under schedule 2 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.
Acupuncturists registered with Chinese Medicine Board of Australia are also not regulated under the Public Health Act 2010 or Public Health Regulation 2012.
The Public Health legislation specifies procedures to prevent disease transmission; requires operators to notify their business with the Georges River Council and empowers Environmental Health Officers to carry out inspections.
If You Are Opening a New Business
If you want to change the use of your premises - for example, from a food shop to a tattooist - you may need to apply for a change of use permit. For more information, contact Council’s Duty Planner.
Inspections of Businesses
Council’s Environmental Health Officers conduct regular unannounced inspections to ensure registered businesses comply with the Public Health Act 2010 or Public Health Regulation 2012. As well as checking cleaning, sterilisation and operator procedures, our Environmental Health Officers educate proprietors and provide them with information about changes that may affect their business and operations.

Foot spa – parts from foot spa
Public Health Regulation 2012 clause 31, requires all businesses (including mobile businesses) that undertake skin penetration procedures to notify their local Council.
If you conduct skin penetration within Georges River Council area, have taken over a skin penetration premises or your details have changed, you must notify Council. Notification can be made using our online form.
Further information
Council’s Resource and Fact-sheets has information that is industry specific to assist in understanding legislative requirements.
Thank you for your feedback.