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Street Tree Management

Council manages over 35,000 street trees throughout the local government area. Our street trees are valuable assets. They create habitat and help manage air pollution. They also enhance the public domain and create canopy cover. This cover offers shade and beautifies our urban environment.

If you have concerns about street trees that need pruning or want to know about planting new trees on nature strips, please submit a service request.

Street Tree Master Plan 2024

We made the Street Tree Master Plan 2024 (STMP) to ensure a consistent approach. It will guide tree planting and species selection in our Local Government Area.

Making the right decisions about our street trees will ensure the future canopy. It will also keep the leafy outlook that the Georges River Local Government Area is known for.

The STMP contains 44 species selection palette and species allocation for each street and local road. Both native and non-native species were picked for their ability to thrive in the forecasted hotter and drier climates of the future. They will safeguard our future canopy.     

Why are trees pruned or removed?

Council typically undertakes pruning and removal of trees on public land for the following reasons:

  • Improve pedestrian and vehicular access.
  • Remove dead or defective branches.
  • Prevent further damage to appropriately engineered structures.
  • Assist with canopy structure (formative pruning).
  • Clear sight lines as per RMS requirements and signage.
  • Remove dead, dying or dangerous trees.
  • To allow for essential public infrastructure upgrades where all practical engineering options have been considered.

Ausgrid must keep clearances around the electricity network. This keeps the community safe and helps ensure reliable power for their customers.

Further information relating to Ausgrid tree management can be found on the Ausgrid website.

Tree Pruning or Removal for Development

In line with Councils Tree Management Policy (TMP) part 4.4.4 Tree Pruning or Removal for Development, where public trees have been approved for pruning works or removal via a Development Application (DA) or Driveway Crossing and Associated Works on Council Road Reserve Application Form, the applicant will be required to submit an Application to Prune or Remove Tree(s) on Public Property.  
The form to Prune or Remove Tree(s) on Public Property will be given with DA or Driveway approvals. You can also get it on request. Where removal is approved, payment of Replacement of Street Tree fee will be required for each tree removed prior to permit being issued - Refer to Schedule of Fees and Charges.

 Any works approved to public trees will need to be undertaken by council’s contractors listed below only. The applicant will be required to obtain a fee estimate from the listed contractors and engage and pay for their services directly.

  • Cutting Edge Tree Care: – (02) 9543 0441.
  • Summit open space services: – 0498 048 984.
  • TreeServe:  – (02) 9620 2060.

Failing to meet any permit condition breaks the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It might lead to fines or court prosecution. 

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