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Hurstville City Centre Transport Management and Accessibility Plan

We prepared the Hurstville City Centre Transport Management and Accessibility Plan (TMAP) in 2013 that guided the planning controls for the Hurstville City Centre LEP (Amendment No. 3 to Hurstville LEP 2012). This TMAP was prepared in response to the vision for Hurstville as a major Centre for the South District.

Since 2013, there have been changes to planning controls and an increase in development within the Hurstville City Centre. As a result of these changes, we engaged consultants GHD in 2017 to update the TMAP.

The main objectives of the Hurstville City Centre TMAP 2018 (TMAP 2018) include:

  • Modelling the major development applications and planning proposals (as at 2018) and their impact on traffic in the Hurstville City Centre.
  • Modelling the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy recommendations and proposed changes to planning controls.
  • Identifying transport measures to help manage future travel demand in the Hurstville City Centre.

The TMAP 2018 explains that demand for travel is likely to increase in Hurstville. This is because of its status as a Strategic Centre and an increase in development under the South District Plan. Although Hurstville has good public transport links, many people travel by car.

The TMAP 2018 explains that the proposed changes from development applications, planning proposals and the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy are suitable due to Sydney’s growing population. Managing travel demand, increasing active transport facilities (such as pedestrian and cyclist routes), and fast and reliable public transport services will help manage extra demand and limit the impact on roads.

The TMAP 2018 recommends an Action Plan that suggests measures across 5 categories: Land Use, Road Network, Public Transport, Active Transport and Travel Demand Management.

At its meeting on 24 June 2019, Council considered the Hurstville City Centre TMAP 2018.

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