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Planning Proposal for 1 Railway Parade and 3A Railway Parade, Kogarah


1 Railway Parade and 3A Railway Parade, Kogarah


Kogarah Town Centre Group.

Planning Proposal Request

Amend the Georges River LEP 2021 to:

  • Introduce a maximum building height (HOB) of RL122m (94m) and RL124m (100m) on the site.
  • Introduce a floor space ratio (FSR) of 10.9:1 on the site.
  • Introduce a site specific provision requiring the following:
    1. Minimum non-residential gross floor area of 10,000sqm.
    2. Minimum 5% of residential floor space to be affordable housing.


  1. The current MU1 Mixed Use zoning of the site is proposed to be retained.
  2. Land within the Bayside LGA also forms part of the site for the purposes of the proposed future development. However, no changes are proposed to the planning controls.
  3. The Planning Proposal was briefed to the Local Planning Panel on 23 February 2023 for their review and advice. The Panel advised the applicant to continue its discussions with both Georges River and Bayside Councils and provide further information to assist these Councils in establishing a strategic and merit-based justification for the Planning Proposal.


The Planning Proposal has been withdrawn.

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