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Step 6 - Complete the required documents
  • Owner's consent/signature

    You must obtain the consent of all landowners.  If there is more than one owner, every owner must sign.  If the owner is a company or owners’ corporation, the application must be signed by an authorised person under common seal.  If the application form is not signed by the landowner/s and by you as the applicant, we cannot accept it.
    If your property is a strata unit, and you are proposing any development beyond your unit entitlement, you will need to get the approval of the owners’ corporation. 
    If you've recently purchased the property, it's possible that council will not yet have received formal notice of the sale, and therefore the previous owner will still be listed as the owner in our records.  In this case, it is important for you to provide either a letter from your solicitor or other evidence demonstrating that the ownership has changed.
    If one or more of the owners' names has changed (such as when getting married) but the change of ownership has not yet been updated by the NSW Land Registry Services, we will need evidence confirming the change of name (such as a driver’s licence or marriage certificate).
    For development below the mean high water mark, such as jetties, ramps and pontoons, the landowner is usually the NSW Government.  You will need its consent as landowner before lodging the development application.

    Owners Consent Form for Development Applications


  • Owner's/applicant's declaration of affiliations

    For council to ensure the highest integrity in the development application process, property owners and development applicants are required to declare all affiliations or associations they had with councillor/s or council staff over the past 2 years.

    General Declaration

    You must declare all affiliations or associations with councillor/s or council staff which may lead a reasonable person to believe that a councillor or staff member may not be able to deal with your application in an impartial manner.  This includes all affiliations or association with a councillor/s or member/s of staff where you:

    • Are a Council employee
    • Have a friendship, personal or family relationship.
    • Have a shared membership in a club, political party or organisation.
    • Have business dealings with a councillor/s or member/s of staff outside their official council role.
    • Have provided a gift, benefit, loan, payment or hospitality.

    Political Donations or Gifts

    If you have made a political donation or a gift within two years before the date of your application, you must disclose the political donations and gifts made by yourself or other persons with a financial interest in this application.  The information about political donations that must be disclosed is the same as that required by the Election Funding Authority.  You must disclose the name of the person to whom the gift was made, the date, name, address of the person making the gift, and the amount or value of that gift.  
  • Description of proposed development

    You must describe the proposed development in detail.  Tell us exactly what you propose to do.  If you can’t describe your proposal in the space provided in the Planning Portal, you will need to include a full description in your Statement of Environmental Effects.

  • Estimated cost of development

    The estimated value of the development must be based on industry recognised prices, including cost for materials and all labour for design, construction and/or demolition and GST.  Council will check the estimated cost provided on the application form.  If the estimate is understated, the figure will need to be adjusted.  Additional application fees may then be needed.

  • Other agency approvals/Integrated development
    Under the planning laws you must indicate in the Planning Portal whether you need an approval from another government agency in addition to development consent.  If your proposal needs another approval, we will deal with it as 'integrated development'.

    Other approvals that may be needed include the following:

    Department of Primary Industries - ss.89, 90 and 91 of the Water Management Act 2000
    Waterways - s.91 of the Water Management Act 2000 (in Botany Bay, east of Captain Cook Bridge)
    Heritage Council - s.58 Heritage Act 1977
    Environment Protection Authority - Licences under ss. 43, 47, 48, 55 and 122 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
    Environment and Heritage - s.90 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
    Roads and Maritime Services - s.138 Roads Act 1993
    Department of Primary Industries - s. 144, 201, 205 and 219 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
    Rural Fire Service - s.100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997.

    If you are unsure whether another approval is needed, please consult the relevant agency.  Similarly, if your proposal involves any of the above matters, we strongly recommend that you consult with the agency concerned before you lodge your application.

    Applications for integrated development will be referred to the relevant agency to obtain their ‘general terms of approval'.  These requirements will then be incorporated in the conditions of any development consent issued by council.

    An extra fee (for each separate approval body) is needed for integrated development.  The additional fee payable to an approval body must be paid via the NSW Planning Portal. The Portal will email you a payment link when Council refers the application to the approval body for assessment.

  • For more information

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