Local efforts in the 35th Clean Up Australia Day ensured success with groups and individuals participating in clean ups at 26 sites across the Georges River area on Sunday 2 March. Georges River Council supported local volunteers and helped with removing over 1.42 Tonnes of litter collected from parks, streets, creeks on the day.
Community, business, and school clean ups were held by multiple groups within the local government area through late February and early March. Sites and groups include but not limited to:
Community, business, schools:
Advance Diversity Services.
Bridge St Kids Early Learning Centre.
Buddist Light International Association South Sydney.
Carss Park Narani Child Care Centre.
Club Rivers.
Georges River Association.
Georges River College Oatley Campus.
Georges River Council – Bushcare.
Georges River Council Jack High Childcare Centre.
Georges River Baha'i Community.
Girl Guides NSW – Oatley, Lugarno.
Hurstville Community Gardens.
Jenny's Kindergarten and early learning Hurstville.
Kogarah Bay Community Members.
Little Endeavours Early Learning.
Lugarno Progress Association.
Lugarno Lion.
McDonald’s Hurstville South and Bexley.
Mortdale Community Members.
Mortdale Public School.
Oatley Community Members.
Oatley Flora & Fauna.
Oatley Red Bear.
Oatley West Early Learning Centre - Georges River Council.
OceanWatch Australia.
Peakhurst South Public School.
Penshurst Long Day Care Centre.
Smarties Early Learning Centre.
South Hurstville Kindergarten.
Scouts NSW - 1st Kyle Bay Sea Scouts, 1st Oatley Bay Sea Scout, 2nd Mortdale Scout Group.
Beverly Hills Park, Beverly Hills
Carss Park & Carss Bush Park, Carss Park
Claydon Reserve, Ramsgate
Dover Park, Blakehurst
Hogben Park, Kogarah
Murdock Reserve, Lugarno
Poulton Park & Yarra-Nurra Reserve – Hurstville Grove, Connells Point, South Hurstville
Lime Kiln Wetlands – Mortdale, Peakhurst Heights, Oatley
Littleton Street, Riverwood
Memorial Park and surrounding area, Mortdale
Oatley Pleasure Grounds, Oatley
Pole Depot Park, Penshurst
Stevens Reserve, Oatley
The Boulevarde Reserve, Sans Souci
Woodville Park Hurstville
Items collected across the clean-up sites included plastic drink bottles, plastic bags, soft plastics, disposable coffee cups, cigarette butts, and polystyrene. Weird and wacky items included a whole basketball stand, kids toys, balls, surf ski, surfboard cover, car parts and tyres, a turtle-shaped dome for pet and even cash.
Georges River Council Mayor Elise Borg said how impressive it was to see so many residents volunteer for the day.
"I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to all the incredible volunteers who participated in the 35th Clean Up Australia Day,” she said.
“Your dedication and hard work make a significant impact in Keeping Georges River Beautiful. It’s inspiring to see so many individuals coming together with a shared vision for a cleaner, greener future."