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Georges River Council celebrates NSW Seniors Festival


Georges River Council is inviting community members and visitors to get involved in its NSW Seniors Festival celebrations including our Seniors Expo this March.
The NSW Seniors Festival will run from 11-24 March 2024 with the theme ‘Reach Beyond: Seek new experiences, make new friends’.
This year Council will hold several events throughout the two-week period including a Seniors Expo, Reminiscing Baby Explorers sessions at Hurstville Museum & Gallery, and a Seniors Concert at Marana Auditorium.
Georges River Council Mayor Sam Elmir said, “We welcome our senior residents and visitors across NSW to attend these fun-filled events and programs.
“The aim of the activities is to reduce social isolation, foster community connections and for attendees to gain knowledge of local services available to them.
“This is a great opportunity to make new connections, be more informed on Council’s services and to have fun as the Seniors Expo theme suggests; “Get Connected and Make New Friends”.
Kipling Ho, a member of Georges River Council’s Seniors Advisory Committee agrees that the activities are “an opportunity for our seniors to connect to the rich tapestry in our community.” The Advisory Committee have worked with Council to ensure that activities on offer provide “an opportunity to gain new experiences, learn a new skill, and explore what Council and local services have on offer year-round for seniors”.



Seniors Expo

Get Connected and Make New Friends

  • 30+ stalls and services

  • Free barbecue

  • Entertainment

  • Interactive sessions (yoga, singing, dancing)

Date: Tuesday 12 March 2024
Time: 10.00am – 2.00pm
Venue: Marana Auditorium
Cost: Free
Transport: Public transport is close by, there is paid parking next to the Marana Auditorium.

Music in the Morning – Seniors Concert

Starring Roland Storm (farewell concert), Susannah Mirana and the Joseph Macri Band.

Date: Wednesday 10 April 2024.
Venue: Hurstville Entertainment Centre.
MacMahon Street, Hurstville.
Time: Doors open 10.30am.
Show starts 11.00am.
Cost: Tickets $15.00, on sale at the Hurstville Entertainment Centre website.

Rem Session

What: Reminiscing session at Hurstville Museum & Gallery
Description: Reminiscence therapy is an activity that involves the active recollection of life experiences. It allows individuals to relive positive personal events from their past in a way that is vivid and engaging and encourages them to communicate those experiences to a listener. Interaction with objects and images from the past aids the recollection of memories.
Date: Please enquire to book in.
Venue: Hurstville Museum and Gallery.
Cost: $5 per participant. Carers and bus drivers free of charge. We have a minimum of 10 participants fee per booking.
Booking: email or phone HMG - (02) 9330 6444 -
For more information: visit our Senior Groups webpage.

Baby Explorers

What: Baby explorer at Hurstville Museum & Gallery
Description: Join us on this special Grandparents celebration during senior’s week. Each ticket entitles a parent, a grandparent and a baby for this intergenerational session!
Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024.
Venue: Hurstville Museum and Gallery.
Cost: $5.00 per adult participant (babies and up to one grandparent are free).   

Georges River Council would like to acknowledge Seniors Expo Event Sponsor Georges Estate Health & Aged Care Residence for their valuable support, and commitment to local community events.
For more information please visit Council’s Seniors page.