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Keeping our community informed

At Georges River Council, we have a number of ways we keep our community informed. Please view the relevant sections below.

Community Magazine

The community magazine focuses on our wonderful community's achievements, arts and culture. It is available at the following locations.

Our community magazine is published quarterly. Explore the latest edition below or browse through our previous issues of our community magazine.

Download PDF version of the magazine - Community Magazine Autumn 2025.

Community Champions

Do you know of someone who is a Community Champion? In each edition, Council features a Community Champion, someone who is a community hero or has positively impacted the Georges River area through their work and recent experiences.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, please complete the submission form for our consideration.

Community Champion Submission Form

The Leader

Copies of our local newspaper, The Leader, is available at the following locations.


Social Media

Keep up with Georges River Council by following us on social media.

 For information on our house rules, visit our Social Media Community Guidelines.

Community e-News

Subscribe to our Community e-News to:

  • Hear about local events, art, and culture.
  • Get our Community magazines sent straight to your inbox.
  • Contribute to the future vision of Georges River via Your Say.

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