Georges River Council acknowledges the traditional inhabitants and custodians of the Georges River area, the Bidjigal people of the Eora Nation.
The estimated resident population at the 2021 Census was 152,274.
The Georges River Council Community Profile uses data from the 2021, 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 and 1991 Australian censuses. It provides demographic information on our area’s residents, for each suburb and for the whole local government area. The information is presented in clear tables and charts with concise, factual information. Click on the below tabs to find out more about the Georges River area and its people.

The 2021 Census revealed that the Georges River Council area has a slightly lower proportion of younger age groups (0 to 17 years) and a higher proportion of people in older age groups (60+ years) than the Greater Sydney average. Overall, 19% of the population was aged between 0 and 17, and 23.2% were aged 60 years and over, compared with 21.9% and 20.5% respectively for Greater Sydney.
The area has a high proportion of people born overseas (46%) and 42.4% of the population were from a non-English speaking background. The largest overseas country of birth was China, where 13.9% of the population, or 21,125 people, were born. The next most common places of birth were Nepal (5.7%), Hong Kong (2.4%) and the Philippines (1.8%).
The largest changes in birthplace countries of residents between 2016 and 2021 were Nepal (+3,938), China (-2,529), the Philippines (+540) and Brazil (+275).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represented 0.7% of Georges River’s population.
The majority of residents in the area speak English well or very well (85.2%), with 42.1% of residents speaking only English. 53.2% of the population speak another language other than English. Between 2016 and 2021, the number of people who spoke a language other than English at home increased by 3.1%, and the number of people who only spoke English increased by 3.1%.
The most common languages spoken at home other than English are Mandarin (12.8%), Cantonese (9.4%), Nepali (5.7%) and Greek (5.2%). The dominant language spoken at home, other than English, in Georges River Council area was Mandarin, with 12.8% of the population, or 19,507 people speaking this language at home.
The top five religions represented in the 2021 Census were: Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Anglican, Hinduism and Buddhism. The largest changes in the religious affiliation of the population in Georges River Council area between 2016 and 2021 were Hinduism (+3,663), Anglican (-2,257), Islam (+1,328) and Greek Orthodox (+1,007).
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