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Georges River Council entered into a Planning Agreement pursuant to section 93F of the
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 with Shanghai Lihua Hurstville Pty Ltd and SLH 108 Pty Ltd on 26/3/2018.
The Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) relates to the carrying out of the Development of the Land and requires the Developer to provide Land Dedication to Council for the purpose of widening Forest Road to facilitate traffic movement on Forest Road; and make a monetary contribution to Council of $3,775,750 to Council for the purpose of the provision of public infrastructure, amenities and services within the Hurstville City Centre that may include possible future road works, and obtaining relevant studies, and payment of consultants fees.
The VPA relates to the Planning Proposal (PP2014/0004) which proposes to:
- change the zoning of the Land from part B2, part R3 and part B4 zones to all B4 zone;
- increase the applicable floor space ratio (FSR) controls over the parts of the Land formerly zoned B2 and R3 to 4:1, such that an FSR of 4:1 will apply to all of the Land;
- increase the maximum height of buildings for Nos 108 and 112 Forest Road and 1 and 3 Wright Street, Hurstville to 34.5m; and
- increase the maximum height of buildings for No 124 Forest Road, Hurstville to 46.5m.
Council received the Offer to enter into a VPA on 7 December 2016 and it was reported to the Council Meeting on 13 December 2016 .
Description of the VPA
The VPA requires the Developer to provide Land Dedication to Council for the purpose of widening Forest Road to facilitate traffic movement on Forest Road; and make a monetary contribution to Council of $3,775,750 to Council for the purpose of the provision of public infrastructure, amenities and services within the Hurstville City Centre that may include possible future road works, and obtaining relevant studies, and payment of consultants fees.
The monetary contribution is over and above any section 94, section 94A and s94EF contributions applicable to the development.
Date of notification of proposed Planning Agreement
The Planning Agreement was placed on public exhibition from 15 November 2017 to 15 December 2017.
Date the agreement was entered into
The Planning Agreement was executed on the 26 March 2018
Parties to the agreement
Georges River Council
Shanghai Lihua Pty Ltd
SLH 108 Pty Ltd
Land to which this VPA applies
The VPA applies to Lot 531 in DP 777334, Lot 1 in DP 75572, Lot 1 in DP 78322, Lot 55 in DP 78322 and Lot 54 in DP 78322 being 108, 112 and 124 Forest Road and 1 and 3 Wright Street, Hurstville respectively.
Voluntary Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note
Deed of Variation to the Planning Agreement
Parties to the Agreement
Georges River Council
Shanghai Lihua Pty Ltd (Developer)
SLH 108 Pty Ltd (Developer)
Address of the Land
The Deed of Variation to the VPA applies to Lot 531 in DP 777334, Lot 1 in DP 75572, Lot 1 in DP 78322, Lot 55 in DP 78322 and Lot 54 in DP 78322 being 108, 112 and 124 Forest Road and 1 and 3 Wright Street, Hurstville respectively.
Date the agreement was entered into
The Deed of Variation to the VPA was executed on 13 February 2023.
Summary of Deed of Variation to the Planning Agreement
The Deed of Variation amends the existing Planning Agreement that was executed on 26 March 2018.
The Deed of Variation amends the existing Planning Agreement to defer the timeframe for the dedication of the land (approximately 196m2) for road widening on the Forest Road frontage of the site (between Hudson Street and Wright Street) from 28 February 2024 to 28 February 2026.
Council at its meeting on 22 August 2022 resolved to endorse the amendments and that the Deed be placed on public exhibition.
Public notification dates of Proposed Deed
The Deed of Variation was on public notification from 21 September to 21 October 2022.
Copy of Deed of Variation and Explanatory Note
Refer to a copy of the executed Deed of Variation to the Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note. Alternatively, a copy is available for inspection at Councils Service Centres during normal business hours.
Further Information
Enquiries can be directed to Council’s Strategic Planning Section on telephone 9330 6400.