Public Notices
Sydney Water are planning to renew the watermain along Bonds Road, Riverwood. A copy of the message provided to us has been included below:
We’re investigating the watermain along Bonds Road, Riverwood
We’re planning to renew the watermain along Bonds Road, Riverwood.
As part of our planning, we will commence site investigations on Monday, 25 November 2024, and expect to take ten days to finish, weather permitting.
Work at this stage will involve non-invasive investigative activities, including potholing and waste classification test pits across five locations along Bonds Road and surrounding streets (please see map on the next page). This work will not impact the local water supply or services to our customers.
These works need to be done at night to reduce the impact on daytime traffic flows along Bonds Road. We will have traffic management in place to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Our work will take place between 9 pm to 5 am Monday to Friday.
Sydney Water carries full responsibility under the Sydney Water Act 1994 for the work. We request that no fees, bonds or pre-payment charges be levied against the project for this work. Our partner acts as our agent and carries a Sydney Water Certificate of Authority to do this work.
In accordance with the Sydney Water Act 1994, enclosed is a notice under section 42(1) to open roads. We operate as a public authority for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993, by reason of clause 77(b) of the Roads Regulation 2018.
While we don’t require a road authority’s consent we’d like to work collaboratively with Council during our delivery.
We understand and share Council’s priorities for good quality restoration and long-term asset management. Our objectives are to ensure work and restorations are completed in a timely manner and to agreed standards. Should a problem occur that might be traced to inadequate work, we have processes in place and legally binding agreements to ensure that any such issues are rectified. We’ll work with Council to ensure that all areas impacted by our work are restored.
Extract from Sydney Water Act 1994
SECT 42 - Power to open roads
(1) The Corporation may, for the purpose of exercising its functions in relation to systems or services in accordance with an operating licence and after giving reasonable notice to persons likely to be affected, including the appropriate roads authority under the Roads Act 1993, open and break up:
(a) the soil and pavement of a public road or public reserve, and
(b) any pipe, sewer, drain or tunnel in or under or any ground under a public road or public reserve.
(2) The person having the control and management of a public road or public reserve may require the Corporation to comply with conditions in exercising its powers under this section, including conditions for restoration of the surface and removal of rubbish.
(3) If a public road or public reserve is damaged by a malfunction of a main of the Corporation, the person having the control and management of the public road or public reserve may require the Corporation to make good the damage without delay.
(4) If the Corporation fails to comply with a condition under subsection (2) or a requirement under subsection (3), the person affected by the failure may remedy it and recover the cost of doing so as a debt owed to the person by the Corporation.
(5) A person desiring to connect premises with a water main or sewer main of the Corporation that is available for connection may (subject to such conditions as may be imposed by or under any Act or law) open and break up the soil and pavement of a public or private road or way or a footpath or public reserve to the extent required to make the connection.
Notice to Open Roads
Section 42(1) Sydney Water Act 1994
Location of our work
If you have any further enquiries, please don’t hesitate to call our contact centre on (02) 9330 6400 during business hours Monday to Friday.
Any further correspondence or replies must be sent to: