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Notice of Intention to Grant a Non-Exclusive Licence

Public Notices 14/02/2025

Georges River Council is proposing to grant a Non-Exclusive Licence to Connells Point Netball Club Inc. for community use of storage of sporting equipment and use of sporting amenities located at Poulton Park, 9 Morshead Drive Connells Point NSW and described as Part Lot 47 in DP221585. 

The proposed licence term is five (5) years with no option period. Pursuant to Section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993, Council is required to advertise this proposed granting of the Non-Exclusive Licence, as the property is located on Community Land. 

Submissions on the proposal are sought from the public and should be in writing to the General Manager, Georges River Council via email to  

Please quote reference E24/008.  

Submissions close Thursday 13 March 2025.                                                                                                                                                                                  

For more information contact Community Property on (02) 9330 6400.