When Council assesses the information you provide about suspected corrupt conduct, it can assist to also have details of any people who could support or verify your information. Similarly, providing us with copies of relevant documents can be of assistance. If you choose to provide documents, please outline how and why those documents support your concerns.
Other people
Are you making this complaint on behalf of somebody else?:
Maximum size of the attachment must not exceed 9 MB. If the attachment size is more than 9 MB, please provide to Council by one of the following means:
In person
Attention: The Disclosures Coordinator
Georges River Council Corner MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville
By Post
Attention: The Disclosures Coordinator
Georges River Council, PO Box 205 Hurstville BC NSW 1481
By Email
Attention: The Disclosures Coordinator
Please put your full name in subject line.
Email: governance@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au
In addition to any documents you have attached or will provide to Council, do you know of any documents which might be relevant to this matter?: