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Request to speak at Council and Committee Meetings

Council meets regularly to make decisions for the local government area. Council’s Code of Meeting Practice explains how all meetings of Council operate and how you can comment on matters before Council.

Register to Speak at a Council or Committee Meeting

Residents are encouraged to participate and can register to speak on any item on an agenda.

To lodge a request to speak at a Council or Committee Meeting, please complete the below form, noting the following:

  • Members of the public can apply to speak at Council or Standing Committee meetings by completing this form and submitting it before midday on the day OF the relevant Meeting.
  • Members of the public can apply to speak at Traffic Advisory Committee meetings by completing this form and submitting it before midday on the day PRIOR to the date of the relevant Meeting.
Please refer to individual advisory committees' Terms of Reference, located under committees and panels, for specific information relating to public participation.

Registered speakers have the option to:

  • Attend and address the relevant meeting in person (subject to restrictions).
  • Address the meeting remotely.
  • Provide a written submission for staff to read for the relevant meeting.


Prior to submitting your application form to request to speak at a Council or Standing Committee Meeting, you must read and accept Council’s guidelines for speaking at a Council or Committee meeting in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice.

Requests to speak at a Traffic Advisory Committee meeting are managed in accordance with the Committee's Terms of Reference, located under committees and panels.

If your application is approved, your name will appear in the minutes as part of the formal process of the meeting. The minutes of Council and Committee Meetings are available on Council's website.

Having read and understood the Code of Meeting Practice and having agreed with the terms as outlined above, please complete the online application form below.

Request to speak will be accepted until 12pm on the day of the meeting.

Further Information

For further information on Council Meetings refer to the Council and Committee Meeting - Fact Sheet.

All fields marked with * are mandatory

Meeting Agenda Item to be Addressed
Meeting Type:*
Type of meeting

Have you addressed Council previously in relation to this matter?:*
Addressed This Matter










Please attach your submission here.
I will be addressing the meeting:
I Will Be Addressing



In accordance with Section 3 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, speakers will only be permitted to speak on Items listed on the Agenda

Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the council.
(if you are speaking on behalf of an organisation or group)
Are you speaking FOR or AGAINST the Item?:*
Will you be bringing any audio / visual aids?:*

Does your address to the Council/Committee Meeting contain sensitive matters involving personal experience that may be triggering or distressing to other individuals listening? If so, we please encourage you to tick the box below to ensure a disclaimer is placed before your address:

Security code:*
Conditions (extract from Code of Meeting Practice)
Privacy Disclaimer

Your personal information is being collected by Council in accordance with applicable legislation.
The provision of your personal information is voluntary, however the information assists Council in the delivery and management of the subject request, and / or as required by law.

Your personal information will be used and disclosed for the Council’s purposes, or a directly related purpose, unless you consent to another use or disclosure, in emergencies or as otherwise required or authorised by law.
Should you wish to access or amend your personal information please make a written request to Council by:

Post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481
For more information please refer to Council’s Privacy Management Plan


Please check your request form has all mandatory fields completed and your submission is attached before clicking the ‘Submit’ button.
You will receive a confirmation email within 15 minutes of submitting your request. If you do not receive the confirmation email the submission will not have been received by Council. 

Need Help?
If you are experiencing any difficulty with the electronic form or you don’t immediately receive an email confirming receipt of your request to speak, please contact Customer Service and ask for Executive Services on 9330 6400 prior to 12pm on the day of the Meeting.


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