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Casual Use of Parks


  • Applications must be received a minimum of 5 business days prior to use
  • Complete each section of this application. An incomplete form may result in delay processing of your application

For advice please contact Customer Service on (02) 9330 6400 (8.30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday)


Where applicable
Where applicable
Where applicable
Where applicable
Where applicable
Where applicable



Where necessary please attach site plan and/or other relevant information. E.g. line markings, marquees, amusements, vehicle access, provision of food and beverages, extra rubbish bins, proposed signage, caterers etc.






  1. Where the application is on behalf of a Club, Association, Business or involve a Commercial Operator, the permit holder is to either have public liability insurance or be included in their governing Association’s public liability insurance to the sum of not less than $20,000,000 for the duration of the permit.
  2. The permit holder is to supply Council with a copy of their certificate of currency for their public liability insurance, which indemnifies Georges River Council as an interested party, together with this application or proof of cover from their governing Association.
  3. This permit does not give the permit holder the authority to transfer or sub-hire to third parties to use the park, or its facilities, for any supplementary (or otherwise) sport, recreation or other events or services without Council’s written consent.
  4. The permit holder must advise Council’s Sport and Recreation Officer of any changes to the use of the venue including competition days or nights not nominated on the permit, additional training days or nights, extended hours of use outside the nominated times or any special events, commercial activities or functions.
  5. After hours Council assistance can be obtained by 9330 6400.





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Privacy Disclaimer

Your personal information is being collected by Council in accordance with applicable legislation.
The provision of your personal information is voluntary, however the information assists Council in the delivery and management of the subject request, and / or as required by law.

Your personal information will be used and disclosed for the Council’s purposes, or a directly related purpose, unless you consent to another use or disclosure, in emergencies or as otherwise required or authorised by law.
Should you wish to access or amend your personal information please make a written request to Council by:

Post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481
For more information please refer to Council’s Privacy Management Plan

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