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Get the Site Right: How to Avoid Fines by Complying with Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements


From Monday 14 to Friday 18 October 2024, Georges River Council will participate in the upcoming ‘Get the Site Right’ blitz campaign, aimed at educating builders and developers on the importance of erosion and sediment controls.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), in collaboration with councils across NSW, focuses on improving compliance to protect local waterways and ecosystems from the environmental impacts of building sites.

During the week, Council officers will be conducting site inspections to ensure that proper measures are in place to prevent harmful pollutants, such as soil and sediment, from leaving construction areas and entering nearby water systems. In past campaigns, we’ve seen a significant rise in compliance rates following these inspections, demonstrating the positive impact of ongoing monitoring and education.

For builders and developers, the importance of adhering to environmental standards is underscored by recent increases in fines for non-compliance under the Protection of the Environment Operations (POEO) Act. Penalties for sediment runoff and other pollution-related offences now range from $15,000 for individuals and up to $30,000 for corporations for a first offence.

The Council urges local developers to get ahead of these inspections by ensuring they have effective sediment and erosion controls in place. Not only do these efforts protect the environment, but they also safeguard builders from costly fines and legal action.

Residents can also play a part by reporting any pollution incidents or poorly maintained building sites to the NSW EPA Environment Line on 131 555 or directly to Georges River Council.

For more information on the campaign and its goals, visit the Get the Site Right website.