Art Exhibition: The Language of Landscapes from St. George Christian School
This is a Council led event.
Clive James Library and Service Centre, Kogarah
26/02/2025 - 30/03/2025
An exploration of expressive landscape interpretations from Year 9,10, 11 Visual Arts Students of St George Christian School.
This Exhibition features the works of Years 9 -11 Visual Arts students at St George Christian School. In 2024, Year 10 and 11 students attended a residential retreat at Bundanon in the Shoalhaven. Year 9 students have worked on expressive landscapes with a focus on John Wolseley to produce natural prints and observations.
The exhibition features various landscape interpretations from Years 10 and 11 including native flower linocuts and Fauvist inspired landscape paintings.
Students have responded to this deep learning, and unique environments, producing art works in various media including printmaking, drawing, painting and mixed media.
Image credit: Tiara Johan Mosi.
About St George Christian School:
St George Christian School is a dynamic learning community encouraging the development of students' personal character and gifts, whilst experiencing joy in learning and excellence in teaching in a supportive K-12 co-educational Christian environment.
St George Christian School is based across two campuses in Sans Souci and Hurstville in the St George region of Sydney. The exhibition showcases the students who live and learn in the local community.
More information can be found at St George Christian School | K-12 Co-educational Sydney School.
About the Community Art Space Program:
The Dragon’s Lair Gallery and the Clive James Library and Service Centre, Kogarah, provide opportunities for new and established local artists and groups with a connection to the Georges River area to display their works in a professional gallery space. These spaces are suitable for a wide range of mediums, including sculptures, paintings, photographs, and drawings.
Exhibitors are selected through an annual proposal process that is assessed by an Exhibitions Committee. Exhibitions are selected to reflect the dynamic and innovative diversity that exists in the Georges River area.
For more information, please refer to Georges River Council - Exhibit Your Work.
Wednesday February 26 February - Sunday 30 March 2025
Clive James Library and Service Centre, Kogarah
Kogarah Town Square, Belgrave Street, Kogarah.
This exhibition can be viewed during opening hours at Clive James Library, Kogarah.
Excluding public holidays.
All ages.
Registration is not required but you can register to receive reminders.Please click the button below to register.
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More Information
The library does not endorse or promote any particular products which may be used in the workshop or services.
For participants under the age of 16, parents and/or guardians of children must remain in the library for the duration of the program.
If you arrive more than 10 minutes after the advertised start time and there are people in the standby queue, your ticket may be allocated to the standby queue
If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration at least 3 hours prior to the event. As Library Programs have limited spaces and repeated failure to notify staff of cancellations, bookings may be refused in the future.
Accessibility Information:
Georges River Libraries is committed to providing inclusive library services and programs. Please email or note down your requirements or support needs in your event registration.