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Hurstville Civic Precinct Re-imagined

The Hurstville Civic Precinct, located in the heart of the Hurstville Town Centre is bound by Queens Road, Park Road, McMahon Street and Dora Street, has been identified for some time as a strategic site for new community facilities, cultural buildings  public open spaces, public plazas, greening and residential and office space.

The Master Plan, prepared by Council in 2015/16, sets a vision for re-imagining the current Civic Precinct site and transforming it into a vibrant, culturally significant and inviting place for people to visit, experience, live, meet, and work.

The vision of the Master Plan is to:

  • Set a new future direction for the Hurstville Civic Precinct
  • Showcase Hurstville as a vibrant place to work, shop and live
  • Reinforce Hurstville’s status as a key strategic centre for Sydney
  • Create a series of civic squares, community facilities, parks, commercial and residential infrastructure.

The proposed redevelopment aims to rationalise the current civic facilities, while also improving them through the creation of new facilities and public open space. For more details, please view the Hurstville Civic Precinct Information brochure.

To implement the Civic Precinct Master Plan, a Planning Proposal has been submitted which seeks to amend the zoning, building height, floor space ratio and heritage listing that applies to the site under the Georges River Local Environmental Plan 2021.

Planning Proposal

Aerial drawing for the new Vision for Hurstville Civic Precinct 


Prior to the preparation of the Master Plan and Planning Proposal for the site, significant community consultation and stakeholder engagement was undertaken in 2015 to determine the community and stakeholder needs for the site and establish a vision for the site that aligns with community expectations. 

Role of the Local Planning Panel

The Planning Proposal and the Master Plan were considered by the Georges River Local Planning Panel on 4 April 2019. The Panel formed the view that the Planning Proposal has strategic merit as it gives effect to the various planning priorities of the NSW Government's South District Plan and to the Hurstville City Centre Urban Design Strategy of May 2018.

A copy of the report to the Local Planning Panel and to the minutes can be accessed via our Local Planning Panel website.

Next Steps

On 28 September 2021, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) provided a Gateway Determination under Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, for the subject Planning Proposal to amend the Georges River LEP 2021.
A further extension to the Gateway Determination, was subsequently provided by the Department on 2 December 2022, that requires the Planning Proposal to be completed by July 2023.
The Planning Proposal is scheduled to be on public exhibition from Wednesday18 January 2023 to Friday 17 February 2023. To have your say, visit the Georges River Council Your Say page.

For more information about this project, please contact us

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