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Mayoral Column – A Vibrant Night for Our Community with the Night Manifesto


The night-time economy is about more than just pubs and clubs. It covers a wide range of activities from 6.00pm to 6.00am. We value the night for its cultural offerings—arts, music, and sports—and the supporting services like transport, retail, and food that make our evenings vibrant and safe. The night nurtures our culture and cares for our community.
The Night Manifesto shares our vision for the night-time economy. We see the night not just as a time, but as an important part of our culture that helps local businesses and communities thrive.
The Night Manifesto was inspired by similar efforts worldwide and seeks to build momentum along with the NSW Government’s Vibrancy Reforms to boost our nighttime economy. It includes ideas and hopes from various Council surveys and studies, reflecting the views of businesses, community groups, artists, musicians, and young people.
As a community member, here’s how you can help:

  1. Sign the Night Manifesto: The more signatures we get, the stronger our voice for a vibrant night-time economy;

  2. Share Your Stories and Ideas: Tell us what you love about the night and what can be improved to make it even better.

You will find both on Your Say Georges River. We need to work together. We want to team up with businesses to create more opportunities for our community. The Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner’s reforms are making it easier for businesses and venues to join in the night-time economy. If you are a local business, consider forming a Community Improvement District. This will give you access to important State Government programs that can help you grow.
Together, we can create a lively and dynamic night that benefits everyone.