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Retread Bike Drop-off event and Check and Tune (Council Led Event)

20/07/2024 - Moore Reserve Carpark, Oatley.

This event is a new event which allows residents of the Georges River area to drop off any old or unwanted bikes and scooters for free.
Also on the day if you have an old bike, with minor issues or are unsure if it is worth fixing, you can book in a free ‘Check and Tune’ time slot of 15 minutes where you can chat with a bike mechanic about how to fix up the bike, potential costs or else they may be able to fix the small issues on the spot. ‘Check and Tune’ is only available for standard bicycles.


Saturday 20 July 2024



Moore Reserve Carpark, Oatley.
West Crescent Hurstville Grove.



9.00am - 1.00pm.






Booking for Check and Tune is essential. Please book via the button below.

Book Now


More information

For more information please see Council's Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Reuse, Resell, Recycle page.

The bikes and scooters dropped off will be repurposed where possible. However any items at the end of life will be pulled apart and the individual components will be reused or recycled.

This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy initiative, funded from the waste levy.