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Poetry workshop - Bright Crockery Days (Council Led Event)

14/08/2024 - Hurstville Museum & Gallery.

Join us for a poetry workshop during Poetry Month with internationally acclaimed Australian poet, Mark Tredinnick.

Mark Tredinnick OAM has been teaching poetry and creative writing for 30 years. He is widely recognised as one of Australia’s top poets. He wrote The Little Red Writing Book and is currently the editor and publisher at 5 Islands Press. His new book, Bright Crockery Days, celebrates the life and works of Robert Gray, considered Australia’s greatest living poet.

Robert Gray's poems explore and uncover a sense of mystery, almost like discovering something divine in everyday moments, common places, household items, and simple joys. In one of his early poems, Robert wrote, “all that’s important is the ordinary things”. Drawing inspiration from Robert Gray's poetry, Mark will discuss how poetry has a unique ability to bear witness to daily life, to re-enchant reality, and to revive the moments and places that shape our human experience on Earth.

According to Robert Gray, “it is this world/ of momentary events/ that is the Diamond”. Mark adds that a poem can tell multiple deeply moving stories simultaneously, even about things that might otherwise seem inconsequential.

Following his talk, Mark will introduce two short poetic forms and guide the group to write short poems. Participants can choose to focus on an object that holds personal significance, or one from Hurstville Museum & Gallery’s current exhibition, 1X4, a touring exhibition developed by Newcastle Museum. 

Note: Participants can bring an object or photograph that is special to them.


Wednesday 14 August 2024



Hurstville Museum & Gallery.
14 MacMahon Street, Hurstville.



6.00pm - 8.00pm.






$12.50 (excluding online booking fee).



For bookings, please call (02) 9330 6444 or click the button below to book online. 

Book online


More Information

  • Programs are fully supervised by qualified staff.

  • No refunds for cancellations or missed bookings.

  • Program swapping is not permitted.

  • Online bookings incur booking fees and surcharges.

Hurstville Museum & Gallery is committed to providing inclusive services and programs. If you require additional assistance please contact us via phone (02) 9330 6444 and

Please note: Attendance at our events may be digitally recorded through photographs and/or videos. These images may be used by Georges River Council and Hurstville Museum & Gallery in their publications, social media, council’s website or newspaper. Please notify staff if you do not wish to be filmed.