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Community Organising Workshop (Council Led Event)

18/07/2024 - Georges River Council, corner of MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville.

A free workshop for like-minded community members and organisations who are eager to promote diversity, encourage social cohesion, and call out discrimination in our community.

This workshop equips participants with the skills to build and empower their own communities to challenge systems of oppression and work towards justice on the issues that impact them. This program is focused on drawing on lived experience and mobilising and strengthening our own communities.

This workshop is facilitated by Hue, a social justice organisation established in response to a desperate need for training that challenged systems of oppression and the underlying issues that detrimentally impact people of colour in Australia.

 Topics explored:

  • What is community organising & what are community organising values.

  • What is solidarity? 

  • Challenging scarcity mindset.

  • What are some pitfalls that movements/groups can fall into.

  • Collective Liberation.

  • Power dynamics in organising groups.

  • Community care.


Thursday 18 July 2024



Georges River Council.
Corner of MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville.



9.30am - 12.30pm.

A light morning tea will be provided. 






Bookings are essential. Please book via the button below.

Book Now


More information

For more information regarding this event, please email or phone (02) 9330 6261. 


  • Wheelchair accessible.

Georges River Council is committed to providing inclusive services and programs. Please note down your requirements or support needs in your event registration or email