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Yarn Up: Celebrating Cultures and Understanding Australia Day (Council Led Event)

18/01/2025 - Carss Bush Park, Carwar Avenue, Carss Park

On Saturday 18 January 2025, Georges River Council's 2025 Australia Day program will begin with Yarn Up: Celebrating Cultures and Understanding Australia Day at Carss Bush Park.

Council is partnering with Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation to bring you this very special event that will feature Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural performances and shine a light on ongoing progress towards advancing the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

The event will also provide opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and allies to reflect on how to have conversations about the significance of 26 January for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that promote respect and understanding.


Saturday 18 January 2025



Carss Bush Park
Carwar Avenue, Carss Park.


9.30am – 2.30pm.


$10.00 plus GST & booking fee.
Note: There is no cost for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples attending but bookings are essential.


Places are limited, so bookings are essential. Book your spot using the button below:

Book Now


More information 

  • Limited parking will be available at Carss Park Flats. We encourage you to walk, cycle or catch public transport where possible. 
  • The program for this event includes outdoor activities so we encourage all attendees to bring a bottle of water, sunscreen and a hat.
  • This is not a gender-specific event.
  • Children are welcome to attend this event but must be supervised by parents or guardians at all times.
Georges River Council is committed to providing inclusive services and programs. If you have any accessibility requirements please contact us via phone (02) 9330 9354 or email

For more information, please contact our Community Capacity Building team on (02) 9330 9354 or email